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Everything posted by nitric

  1. I forgot how terrible and uninteresting the Xbox lineup is
  2. what are your specs these days? Still a low-medium warrior?
  3. I'm assuming for blu rays?
  4. The Last of Us 2. I think CyberPunk won't be as good as some of the hype that is surrounding it.
  5. Why do you think most of the lemmings on here are trump supporters?
  6. All best on PC. There is literally no reason to buy an Xbox next gen. PCPS5 is the only viable combo.
  7. Who the hell are the mods and admins anyway?
  8. Imagine obsessing over something as subjective as looks but barely a peep when it comes to games Lemshits
  9. This twig still wears XXXL shirts? Isn't JenB 40 now?
  10. Is it possible to rename this emoji to :jenb: ?
  11. It must be unusual for you to turn on a console as your Xbox probably hasn't been turned on in years
  12. Not everyone here is a twig bitch, I'm sure most of us can carry a console that weighs a handful of pounds while running. I know that must be a challenge for you Jenny
  13. JenB is upset his car didn't make big vroom vroom sounds and left him alone with his thoughts so he had to go out and get a car that makes big vroom vroom sounds
  14. I'm sure they're all down because it got an 8 at GameSpot and the 96 at MC.
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