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Everything posted by nitric

  1. If this is a launch title, I'm dead.
  2. Microsoft's biggest game at E3 was Minecraft RayTrace edition. Sony will shit on MS with it's first party onslaught. Demon FUCKING Souls
  3. 500k people watching this on YT. Sony about to win next gen before it even starts
  4. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Is it me or does this game start off really slow? I'm only a few hours in...same repetitive environments.
  5. This will be better than what E3 would’ve been this year. The ultimate TLHBO event
  6. Pretty sure your cult leader sent out a cease and desist order to CNN for having a poll that actually took place that has Biden leading the polls (for obvious reasons) Literal king of snowflakes
  7. Only if your ass is gonna be there for season 4
  8. You haven’t invited me to game in weeks And ignoring my invites. fuck you talmbout
  9. Game is fun for an hour then becomes a repetitive snoozefest
  10. That show was catered to literal trailer park trash. My life isn't affected by this in any way shape or form. I feel bad for ghostz, SheepKilla, Ranik and the other neonazi's though.
  11. Seems like JonB is still a dumbass. Some things haven't changed
  12. How are you planning on playing ps5 exclusives on PC? By waiting 5-8 years for a maybe? Lmao idiot.
  13. And this is the perfect scenario. Third party games on PC. first party games on PS5. TLHBO.
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