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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. “Some really great drugs”... I’ll say... lol
  2. He needs to stay president in order to avoid prison, so this is not good for him.
  3. They can just do a zoom debate... And just mute him when it isn't his turn...
  4. Enrique Tarrio, current Prez of Proud Boys at a Nazi Rally: Here he is again with an RWDS patch(Right Wing Death Squad).
  5. There's alot of people that think they're just quirky hipsters. And that's really just a front.
  6. If you get sick during the summer, they should call it a "Hot". "The Common Hot"...
  7. https://www.asiaone.com/digital/long-live-longcat-og-internet-meme-passes-away-after-18-long-years Never Forget (56K Warning)...
  8. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/siri-search-results-displays-police-stations-when-asked-where-are-the-terrorists-op-ed/
  9. Ah ok. I guess they changed it. There was an issue where she would direct you to the nearest police stations.
  10. https://www.9news.com/mobile/article/news/local/next/atomwaffen-division-neo-nazi-colorado-springs/73-4c9ec6f7-d37e-45c8-a2d4-ff187b619d33 Obligatory:
  11. The kitchen is on fire but if you just think about the rest of the house and omit the kitchen, then the house is perfectly fine...
  12. Thanks man, will definitely make the best of it.
  13. Thank man. Feels weird because I look at my younger brother and still see a kid brother. So it trips me out knowing this. I was waiting for him to tell me he was kidding. I could hear his voice was trembling over the phone because he thought I'd be mad. I am concerned in that I don't want him to throw his life away. But whatever happens, I got his back. He's being a man about it and stepping up. So I'm proud of him.
  14. Well I'll at least have someone to indoctrinate into a whatever console faction I want haha 🙂
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