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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. You are sentenced to 100 years. But you have 2 choices on how they’re spent. You’re to be put into a cell that controls time. So choice A is to be put into the cell and spend 100 years i side while less than an hr passes outside. Once released, you will be old, but everyone and everything would stay the same. Choice B would have you spend an hour in the same cell, but 100 years of time will pass. Everyone and everything you know will be old or gone... What’s your choice?
  2. Ya, theres a vid of a guy who pranks kids on omegle. He scared the shit out of this young girl. She got scared because she shared her personal info to strangers. It’s crazy because we were warned about that as kids.
  3. State run news... All is good in the empire. All is well. Walk in a straight line, eyes forward. ignore the bodies. all is well, all is good. Praise our Fuhrer, Donald Trump.
  4. *Thousands of Portlanders wake up one morning to find that their vehicle’s no longer run...*
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/24/media/sinclair-fauci-conspiracy-bolling/index.html What the shit?
  6. It's weird that Biden irks the right the same way Trump has been irking the left. And they don't realize it. It's like a fat guy calling someone fat...
  7. Hard on crime tactics is like trying to kill the weeds by just cutting off the stem rather than plucking from the root. Ghettos are basically festering wounds from the jim crow era/war on drugs...
  8. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/militarized-agents-seen-in-portland-are-deploying-to-chicago.html US invades the US
  9. Or, epstein sent himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself to the past to assassinate himself to stop himself from sending himself
  10. Everyone put on your tin hats, lets let our inner loony conspiracy minds free for a minute: My personal one that I just thought of while bored and high: Trump intentionally let the virus in and is playing dumb. His goal is to destabilize the country. By request of Putin? Or he wants to invoke as much civil unrest as possible just to have an excuse to begin martial law. Which is why the GOP seems to have no issues with millions going homeless. Police and Military become divided as half still believe in the constitution and the other is loyal only to trump. B
  11. I had a little cousin who climbed into the hood of my mom's '67Camaro and started making engine noises and shouting "Mom look! I'm a trans!"...
  12. https://www.salon.com/2020/07/17/theyre-kidnapping-people-trumps-secret-police-snatch-portland-protesters-into-unmarked-vans/ (People speculate this might be an undercover that they're extracting)^^
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