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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. Don't companies like NVidia hire car designers to design their products? That's why some video cards look like spaceship components.
  2. I used to use the PSP but it choked on mode7 graphics. Could never play any game that had that feature.
  3. Chicano3000


    Vato Avengers, Assemble
  4. You don't realize what you had til' it's all over...
  5. He has now obtained access to abilities that others may deem, unnatural...
  6. Not bad Dialogue was somewhat cheesy, but I'm a sucker for Cyberpunk...
  7. Inlike the music from YBN Cordae Gives me hope for their mantle in hiphop As for gaming, I do like Battle Royale. My youngest brother i GenZ. He introduced me to PuBG and Apex Legends.
  8. Ah ok. Forgot about that dude.
  9. A sportster is a sportster is a sportster... they're the "entry level" HD motorcycle and you can see that (just a little rougher around the edges than their premium bikes ~ has nothing to do with how they Function). The low miles is more of a concern than that it's a Sportster, at least to me. It's just right on the verge though not over my personal threshold. I've just had to do too many repairs on low-miles bikes that sat around to really like bikes that haven't been in use for the year prior to my purchase (unless I'm getting an Outstanding deal). Please understand I'm saying this from the
  10. Who's our new ruler? Is it Metric?
  11. Chicano3000


    Full 80s Documentary on Punk Rock. You're fucking welcome... Assholes...
  12. Ah, got that for my brother, been wanting to play it...
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