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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. Gotta admit, something about her eyes...
  2. The dumbest game idea I could think of would be a racing game where you need to scream "vroooom" into the mic. The louder the vroom, the faster you go. To slow down you gotta make a screaching sound. So imagine the online experience and the reaction of parents everywhere...
  3. I predict "The Interview Part 2" should happen...
  4. She's like those hot female movie villains... Edit: This is Bond villian level shit...
  5. Got more active, but also got more jaded. IDK if I'm more depressed these days or just seeing things for how they really are.
  6. 1: piston from Halo 2: super shotgun, Doom 3: Fatman, Fallout 4: Gravity Gun, Half Life 5: Chainsaw Gun, Gears of War 6: Javelin, Modern Warfare
  7. Don’t forget we got movies like Interstellar... not ultra-violent, not mindless.
  8. Their fanbase is in their late 20s and 30s, with some younger ones sprinkled in between... Waited 15 years and they drop a VR game. Which is cool, but sounds like it should have been HL3, then HL: Alyx as an expansion or something... I still wanna get VR since I work with Unity, so eventually I'll play, but I can't blame gamers for passing considering you need an entire setup for the game. It's supposed to be a killer app to push VR into a standard. IDK how that's going...
  9. Can... Can I have some more? Awesome game. Graphics set to Ultra Nightmare
  10. Are these in any particular order?...
  11. We need a GTA that’s in another country. Haven’t had that since GTA London whixh was back in the Top Down days...
  12. They won't leave me alone. Knocking on my door, something about needing my fluids, she must feed and what not...
  13. I remember I relatives watching TV and they just watch one show, flip the channel, watch something else, flip back. They do that every day when they get home from work. I never cared for cable. Sitting in front of a TV all day sounds mind numbing. Games are an exception because you engage. Movies aswrll because you sit for a couple of hrs to watch a good movie, and your done. a show aswell. im just talking more about watching tv but not really watching anything and just falling asleep watching tv. idk, whatever...
  14. So far it's like Minecraft in space. Glad I waited and glad the devs didn't give up. Always loved space games so I was initially disappointed when I read about how the game did at launch.
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