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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. Fuck those kids... But also Fuck Donald Trump... And fuck Nazis and the KKK... And fuck DelTaco for giving me coffee that wasn't fresh(why did I even go there for coffee??)..
  2. We’re always being born.. We’re always dying.. Just tell Murph not to let you leave...
  3. Ah.. I see your a man of science..
  4. If time doesn't exist and a sheep explodes in the forest, and no one was there to smell it. Would it make waffles?
  5. Got it on console. Dope game. But can’t deny the glorious opportunity for mods..
  6. Shieet. I used to make porn movies in my head. I actually had a trilogy but the ending was disappointing.
  7. I do playing 360 for a good minute. Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect series, GTAV, CoD games, Forza, Crackdown, Bioshock and Burger King: The Game. But when I got a PS3, I started playing most of the multiplats on that. 360 took a back seat. Especially after getting the RRoD(to be fair, eventually my PS3 got the YLoD). This gen it doesn't seem like XB1 has anything. My brother got it for Forza(it even makes an engine start sound when you boot it up). But now it's neglected... Fun fact: We had a wii, but it blew a fuse because I dad didn't turn it off after using it to watch
  8. Ya man, he was cool. That's pretty awesome that you guys were neighbors. I remember KenTa joining the marines. Wonder what happened to him...
  9. I guess I didn't game much at the time. But it felt like a short gen. What were the best games graphically at the time IYO? Do you think games from that gen still look amazing?
  10. Ya, it's crazy how drastic the difference was between PS2 and XBox, and now it's a standard. Even PS3/360 looked insane. Damn, that gen flew...
  11. I hope they actually decapitate you this time...
  12. Ya I was kind of annoyed. At least have more stopping power...
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