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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. Especially fter an hr 15 minute commute. I love L.A. but I hate it's traffic.. Not a 9-5 job though. It's salary so I'm not an hourly employee. My old job was retail. It sucked but it was 2 minutes from home.. So it switched. Now it's great job, but crappy commute.
  2. That was my first REAL RE game. Saying that because my first game with the RE title was RE Survivor and that's the redheaded bastard child of the RE franchise..
  3. It does. the game is basically a demon slaughter fest and you just find different combos to kill them and more types appear along the way. And wait til you get to the boss battles.
  4. Trye but I think they were going for a more immersive experience hence the way you interact with things. I didn’t feel it detracted from anything though. Compare it to Doom3 which was more of a survival horror experience. in Doom 2016, you are the horror.. it gets better as you go on. The game does a good job of making you feel like a badass.
  5. Design my own game. Ive made a vr game for a company but they scrapped it so Im making some cheap app at the moment. Lot has went on and game design was put i to the back burner. went from graphic design to videographer to motion graphic designer, and even music producer(had a beat on itunes for a minute). Then got hired by a company as a “3d design specialist”. But I havent done anything out of love for a good minute. Like having my own pet project. learned Unity/Zbrush/maya and even a bit of houdini. It’s time I fulfill my childhood dream. Succes
  6. Just happpy to hear half life officially. I see it as a sign that 3 might be alive. hl as a whole has been dead for a long time.
  7. Sounds like everything everyone hated about us Millennials..
  8. The physics was a whole new thing. Thats what really made it appealing.
  9. Just figured Id dive back into the series. The last RE game Ive played before REmake 2 and 7 was either RE4 or REmake.
  10. Thats how you do a remake!
  11. How much do they differ from us in terms of humor etc.? IMO, they seem like they're a continuation of us but a lot more adjusted(aside from tide pods) unless another recession happens in the same way it happens for us. Overall, we saw the world go to shit, they were born in a world of shit so it is the default setting. I have cousins that are GenZ and they're smart. So far I like what I see.
  12. Here’s a different link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/evj98k/millennials-will-get-sick-and-die-faster-than-the-previous-generation
  13. https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-gen-x-mortality-rate-mental-health-depression-2019-11?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf it’s a trip seeing the world as it is now compared to before. SW kind of brings that back when all we cared about was who’s console was better. We were care free.
  14. Ya, I downloaded CoD aswell. Works great. No surprise since it's from the same people who ported PUBG
  15. PuBG mobile is pretty awesome. Probably the best port from a console to mobile I've played. Usually play it at work on my down time.
  16. You lose the soul of what it once was. Cars are more high tech now, but the engine sounds are lower to almost none existent. Driving is more of a chore now than it is a symbol of freedom. The internet feels more sterile now. Back then it was a frontier like the vid said. It was risky but it was also more interesting and more personal.
  17. Are you sure you thought the think you think you thought?
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