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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Chicano3000

  1. Especially fter an hr 15 minute commute.

    I love L.A. but I hate it's traffic..


    Not a 9-5 job though. It's salary so I'm not an hourly employee. 


    My old job was retail. It sucked but it was 2 minutes from home..

    So it switched. Now it's great job, but crappy commute.

  2. 42 minutes ago, alcatrazkaz said:

    the game was originally intended to be a heavy scripted game like call of duty until they started all over again with the old style in mind (doom1&2). 


    i think they should've left some modern trends out. that is all. I will play some more and hope the pace picks up

    It does.

    the game is basically a demon slaughter fest and you just find different combos to kill them and more types appear along the way. And wait til you get to the boss battles. 

  3. 6 hours ago, alcatrazkaz said:

    yes, i feel the game drags the speed down because i have no idea where to go. the environments are confusing sometimes and there is always a pause between fighting demons.


    also the stupid pick ups, i don't understand why I have to walk to a corpse (that is highlighted) to press "use" to get some shitty upgrade. totally kills the flow for me. 


    (make the upgrades so you automatically pick them up and then use them in between missions, it's not that hard to make it right. no idea why they thought it is a good idea to slow down and grab some shitty usb stick from a corpse in FUCKING DOOM when you fight hordes of demons from hell :tom: )

    Trye but I think they were going for a more immersive experience hence the way you interact with things.


     I didn’t feel it detracted from anything though. Compare it to Doom3 which was more of a survival horror experience.


    in Doom 2016, you are the horror..


    it gets better as you go on. The game does a good job of making you feel like a badass.

  4. Design my own game. Ive made a vr game for a company but they scrapped it so Im making some cheap app at the moment. 

     Lot has went on and game design was put i to the back burner.


    went from graphic design to videographer to motion graphic designer, and even music producer(had a beat on itunes for a minute).

     Then got hired by a company as a “3d design specialist”. But I havent done anything out of love for a good minute. Like having my own pet project.


    learned Unity/Zbrush/maya and even a bit of houdini.

    It’s time I fulfill my childhood dream. Successful or not, I just wanna complete something and out it out there.


    im in a better spot than Ive been before, but it feels empty if I just let go of what I dreamed of doing before.

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  5. On 2019-11-18 at 5:07 AM, HolyAx said:

    From the classes where I teach these past years I see that none of them can exist without an earbud in one or 2 ears. They cant hold focus for more than 10 min. Too many of them cant make eye contact when talking.

    Sounds like everything everyone hated about us Millennials..

  6. 6 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Despite what people might think about Valve not releasing big AAA games anymore... there's no denying the fact that they know how to make some good shit when they want to.  If this really is supposed to be a flagship VR title that's meant to drive interest and adoption to VR, then I expect it to be pretty awesome.


    While it will work on Index, Rift, and Vive.. Valve HAS been designing their Knuckles controllers for a reason.. They've been working on stuff behind the scenes.. from hardware to interaction systems and everything else.  Just because they haven't been releasing stuff doesn't mean they aren't working on it.


    This Knuckles controller demo is fucking awesome




    I have no doubt in my mind HL:A is going to be something special. :glad: 

    Damn I miss valve’s narrative style ..

  7. How much do they differ from us in terms of humor etc.?

     IMO, they seem like they're a continuation of us but a lot more adjusted(aside from tide pods) unless  another recession happens in the same way it happens for us. Overall, we saw the world go to shit, they were born in a world of shit so it is the default setting.


    I have cousins that are GenZ and they're smart. So far I like what I see.

  8. On 2019-11-07 at 11:48 PM, jehurey said:

    have you tried CoD mobile?


    Its got a pretty decent control scheme, for a touchscreen FPS.


    Oh by the way........this thread is about cellphone gaming.


    SO I went back on xCloud again yesterday, to see if it did any better.  It WAS considerably better. Not only did I test Gears 5 on WiFi, I disconnected the WiFi and was playing the game entire off of my T-Mobile's 4G, and the controls held up............to somewhat acceptable levels. Like i said, I have a tolerance for laggy controls and Gears 5 doesn't require the most fastest reaction time. But it got the job done, I progressed a bit into the first Act.


    I may be able to upload video of that, even showing me switching over the 4G. Now I should probably test it with a game like Killer Instinct.

    Ya, I downloaded CoD aswell. Works great. No surprise since it's from the same people who ported PUBG

  9. 12 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I forgot what prompted me to go this, but I was looking up music performances, and I came across the earliest, very first music videos for Coldplay, because that lead singer has looked super young since almost the beginning.


    And I saw a comment that said "this was the way things were before 9/11", and it stuck with me.


    And I feel like post-2010 internet is just a different animal than 2000-2010 internet.


    I have a much better computer on my desk, I have a ridiculously faster internet that is always connected, the web pages are now more advanced, and I can view so much media immediately.


    So why did web-browsing during the early 2000's feel more meaningful back then?


    It compare it to us having more advanced cars, that can do so much more and have so many convenient functions, but our driving experience on the road is worse somehow.

    You lose the soul of what it once was.

    Cars are more high tech now, but the engine sounds are lower to almost none existent. Driving is more of a chore now than it is a symbol of freedom.

    The internet feels more  sterile now. Back then it was a frontier like the vid said. It was risky but it was also more interesting and more personal. 

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