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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. It’s fitting. Both genres stand against a system. Though I feel hiphop sold out.
  2. A society of motherruckers(I haven't seen it)..
  3. IDK what's going on here but just wanna say "Hey"... Hey...
  4. Tried the beta. Domination still felt like a death match than an actual supplement for conquest.
  5. Got a job as an animator at an autoparts company. Even designing apps on unity. Lost some pounds. Linked up with a music group and did some vids for them aswell as graphics. More social and more i to rock than hiphop thanks to this punk chick I met. also mor jaded these days. Life can really grind you down. :/
  6. For real. Glad Bf4 servers still up. funny thing is playing pubg made me better at it. I guess since pubg is more intense since it’s game over after one kill. You got alot more to lose on a game of pubg than bf4.
  7. Still posting this shit bro? Haven't changed a bit..
  8. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/59n3y5/experts-want-to-give-control-of-americas-nuclear-missiles-to-ai?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app Well nothing bad can possibly happen from this..
  9. Someone should make a chunky mod. Where everyone in the game is morbidly obese. Imagine fat snake being chased by fat guards at jogging pace and everyone is gasping for air.
  10. People are losing it, politicians are complainant. America is a paradise lost.. Then again was it ever anything but a land built on blood? This is just our arrogance and greed, prejudice and lack of empathy coming to bit us in the ass.. Idk how to feel about this country rn.. its depressing.
  11. Usually both games catered to different play styles but sounds like CoD is going for the large scale battle scene with vehicles. Dice fucked up with V so CoD has a perfect window.
  12. To where it leads, you won’t need eyes..
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