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Posts posted by Chicano3000

  1. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    The more I think about it, the more I think that David Lynch is simply making visual imagery based on somebody's dream. It almost feels like he's gotten a schizophrenic to wake up and recount his dream, as he sits there and writes everything down.

    Ya, sort of like how Eraserhead is basically a look into Anxiety through the eyes of insanity or paranoia.

  2. Atari was just the first time graphics were seen on your TV, then NES introduced side scrolling(I guess), then SNES was Mode7, Genesis was just fast graphics,  Playstation/Saturn/64 were the first true 3D consoles, PS2 was fully modeled characters, XBox had bump mapping(Game Cube was a mix of both?). Meanwhile PC had Doom3 which displayed graphics that were ahead of their time.


    So it seems like Raytracing is  the newest benchmark. But not sure if I missed anything. What about the future?


    IMO, physics is probably the  the next big  leap. I remember Half Life 2 being big on physics. 

  3. 4 hours ago, kazi said:


    yeah, better than then hovering in the sky when you dive.


    bf3 that introduced the new mechanics was still ok for me because they were powerful but way too easy to use and dogfights were handicapped because you only had cockpit and chase camera view.

    It would be perfect if they adopted Ace Combat’s flight controls. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    No, he's right. 

     I have a better idea, give them only access to games that are intentionally broken.


    Wanna play Gran Turismo with a Scalper version? Enjoy racing with hexagon tires. Play Apex? You always have fall damage? Battlefield? 1 out of 5 times you spawn on  C4. The last of us? You get The Laugh of Us version featuring Kevin Heart who plays as everyone...

  5. Didn't actually get to properly play them until I got a laptop capable of playing them years later. After the graphics were considered outdated... :ben:


     Got a gaming PC now, and those games are like those old ass 90s discount  PC games you'd find at the PC section at Best Buy... I think so far the only game to cause some slow down was Doom Eternal but it was only for one moment in the first level.



    Either way, shout out to all my fellow late hermits... :leo:

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