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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. heh, anyone remember that dude? Every one of his posts were “teh terlo says”, also remember arguments with hd28guy_basic.
  2. Introducing Melania V2.5. She's more submissive this time and is pumped with even more endorphins.
  3. If you survive, you get the 3 month immunity power up. Use it to access places that were otherwise inaccessible. Once the devs release the vaccination via microtransactions, those places will be packed.
  4. Just replace pedestrians with ps1 sprites and call it a day
  5. Bunch of losers sending death threats to the devs: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-10-28-we-are-people-just-like-you-says-cyberpunk-2077-dev-in-response-to-death-threats
  6. Awesome. I remember users back in the day were talking about losing their virginity. Now my dudes are taking it. *sigh
  7. I am planning on getting a VR set soon since I use Unity. So HL Alyx is definitely gonna be one of the first games I get.
  8. Alternate Universe where 50 endorses biden: "See? The dems only support thugs and criminals!"
  9. 50 is no longer street.... Hasn't been for a minute. Now he's officially a sellout.
  10. How about this board be open only on one week per month? Like a verbal purge...
  11. Not sure if I came across that type of movie yet, here's one that I heard was so bad the director never made a movie after. And I cannot find it anywhere:
  12. Gotta say, it was the first game I completed in a while. I enjoyed it but at parts it felt like it dragged on. Couldn't tell if I liked how it felt like it tricked me into thinking the game was over until it added another chapter. Probably because I played til 5AM. But holy shit those graphics were insane though. I think I'm gonna play God Of War next. This vid had some valid points about the game:
  13. The president while in his motorcade gazes at his supporters as they cheer him on. He waves and says “Look at all these delightful waving lollipops! Jeeves, pull over! I wanna lick one!” “Sir, you’re just hallucinating.” Replied the agent. “Those are your supporters, we’re almost there. And my name’s not Jeeves”.
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