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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Yes, great game. It surprised me how sucked in I was. The only parts that I despised were the detective parts at his desk where you had to look at all those files. It took no real thinking, all it ended up being was time consuming and just stumbling on the correct file. I can't imagine replaying it, either.
  2. Got around to renting Heavy Rain, sucked me in and I ended up finishing it that night.
  3. Lemkids got owned into another dimension I'm not even sure if I want someone to sum it up for me.
  4. :Dwhy isn't this in the Hall of Fame (shame:meh:) yet? On a side note, the PS3 just passed the 1 million mark worldwide:glad: http://www.vgcharts.org/ngwars.php "bu...nexgenwarzez?" yes, lets opt to not trust the site that has been around for 4+ years. naturally, though, the real number is probably somewhere between the two sites' estimates.
  5. ghosts' rapage aside, who gives a shit what the fucking X button does; it probably triggers chief to shout out a racial comment at the opposing team for all I care reminds me of the ilovebees bullshit. fucking marketing campaigns
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