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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. A country that doesn't follow health regulations. What shithole country would that be?
  2. I see a lot of homophobic comments but Ike the gnome won't do shit. Except when the Peruvian guy with the big dick does it. Anyways, I am glad I got the trilogy for PS3. None of this woke ass shit.
  3. The Uncharted games never even had a good story. But you think the movie will.
  4. Skyrim, Witcher 3, Doom Eternal. Get fucked filthy sheep
  5. uh-oh this doesn't sound good for amazon. Who'll be the next CEO? Hopefully not a woman.
  6. Already got it for the X. Great game though.
  7. Really, they had an 18 year old server technology.
  8. It's called indie gaming and that is below C-level trash of gaming development. Especially that 2-d scrolling garbage fad that took over a few years ago. Shit that could have been confused with an NES game from over 30 years ago being the hottest thing. Yeah no...
  9. The problem was the death of mid tier developers in the PS3/360 era and the adoption of HD. Developing budgets soared to the point of needing millions to make a game that could either make or break you. Mid tier developers couldn't just take the risk and opted to fold. Konami went the Pachinko route, Atari went DOA, Ubisoft decided to shorten up their library of games to basically a handful that could make millions and milk their customers with DLCs, Activision just chopped all their franchises to one cash cow (Guitar Hero during the PS2 era and COD during the PS3, PS4) and EA
  10. Maybe in Shitanada. 5g is faster in Peru.
  11. Death Stranding was amazing though. And I was a hater at first.
  12. That's a kickass and multifunctional electric heater if you ask me.
  13. I want the new Note for note taking, sketching and easiness to edit pictures.
  14. I have a S9 with a busted screen. I wad looking more to buy the new Note.
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