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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Bad actors? Are you stupid? There is literally a ton of evidence about these people with plastic cuffs, and in body armor trying to look for politicians to take hostage.
  2. That guy is laughing at all the posts that denounce the actions committed by those Republican extremists.
  3. The attack from yesterday has more people dead than the Bengazi incident. The US is a third world country now.
  4. It's weird when you die and it is raining just to reload checkpoint and it is a sunny day. This dude was a tough mf but managed to incapacitate him.
  5. The fov is too narrow in car. I keep switching from cockpit view to third person.
  6. Google up Sendero Luminoso brah. I lived through that shit in the capital. Every week was something getting blown up, losing power off for weeks. City would take weeks more to build another tower just so those fuckers blow them up again. It all ended thankfully on 1996 when they decided to mess with the powerful and rich people. A team of US FBI, Brazilian GOE and Peruvian Army Specialists ended all that shit and rescued everyone. That was the end of it.
  7. I am not going to take spiritual tips from some fucker who has lived all of his life in the US. You have never experienced necessity or fear, so fuck off. Love when these fucking gringos come back to my house to try to teach us some shit.
  8. Yes you can. It's called Galaxy S20 and OnePlus8 (most likely my next phone).
  9. Every Android? There is only one OS. You mean, there is more than one phone option to experience Android? And that's a bad thing? lmfao itards.
  10. Which means, you break your phone. That's it. You have to buy a new phone. Not even trying to fix will solve the issue. All components within the iphone are linked to its mother phone. No third party components accepted, not even official Apple parts. lmfao itards.
  11. FIFA has one of the worst communities ever in gaming. Deservingly so because they flooded the game with microtransactions.
  12. My current S9 is cracked, but not just a cracked screen. The whole upper part surround the camera is gone. I just have a piece of tape covering the lenses.
  13. Well, Galaxy S20FE looks like my best bet, of course with a case too.
  14. About 6 months. They are absolutely plain and terrible phones. Screen is too small, and it uses the same restricting OS. I am not switching from Android. Android>*
  15. I already have the S9 and the screen broke when my friend accidently dropped it. Of course it didn't have a case either, but still. I remember before, phones would fall and get a scratch only. This time, my screen broke.
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