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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I'll go out tomorrow and try my luck with the Series X.
  2. Another person at gamefaqs made a thread about Demons Souls remake crashing his pos5 and forcing him to rebuild his database.
  3. Users at numerous sites are reporting issues that vary from databases being corrupt to the system not being able to do HDR and 120hz at the same time on tv sets that should be able to. lmfao what a fucking disaster.
  4. I am hyped for what the Series X can do but not about what MS can. Afterall, I got the One X with huge promises from MS and they ended up giving it mild support. So I'll just wait for now.
  5. But of them can be done on PS4 without ray tracing so no nextgen.
  6. And the ps5 isn't? Holy fanboyism.
  7. It's running on the same engine from 2009.
  8. Sony doesn't have a proper next-gen game either. And before you say Demon's Souls, it is a reskin of the original game. Both consoles will have next-gen only games by late next year.
  9. I am fucking cluless with pc gaming now. Like what type of processor should I look for, then motherboard and case.
  10. "Anticipated" but it won't come out in 2021. My guess is late 2022.
  11. GT7 is not coming till 2022.
  12. Yeah but the biggest advantage over console gaming is community and peripheral flexibility. At least, I have a steering wheel setup with pedals. I do need a competent PC though. Don't even know where to start.
  13. I mean, I am doing it now. I am going to be looking for parts now that Black Friday is coming.
  14. Depends of the game. Some deservingly flop. It would balance the game industry and stop overbloated game budgets.
  15. I am going PC next gen. Definitely not sticking up to this shit. Not Sony's at least.
  16. I already bought it for PS3. And platinumed the first one and was about to do the same with ME2 before I stopped. I jumped right on Suicide mode and I read it was not recommended to do that.
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