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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. What makes it scary is that Trump pretends that he won't give up so easily and that will motivate his legion of conservative terrorists. This could turn into civil unrest. I say pretend because agent orange won't do anything and run away like the coward he has always been.
  2. I needed a break from these series after Asscreed 2. Really hilarious that people kept on buying those rehashes. Odyssey, Origins, and now Valhalla, the same game with a different coat of paint. Three games in which you do the SAME SHIT to progress the storyline. And that is not counting the fact that the way you progress on these games is THE SAME ACROSS ALL UBISOFT GAMES. Find a watchtower, unlock all activities in the map, a stealth mission, a chase mission and an attack all mission. ALL FUCKING GAMES.
  3. You mean "Reminder that tagging people to talk trash is allowed, till the Handsome Peruvian with the Fat Cock does it"
  4. Judging by everything that you have been saying and being proved wrong, I seriously doubt that will happen.
  5. But Trump won last time because people hated Hillary. If the Republicans had a proper candidate last time, but Trump, ugh.
  6. Let's worry about that covid-19 medicine later twinkie and take your other medication now.
  7. I've learned my lesson. I didn't even get the PS4 till a year later. I might possibly be getting Series X on holiday 2021.
  8. This is why you never buy consoles on launch. Even worse, this kid sold his PS4 and Xbox One X for the Series X. Now he is depending on Switch shovelware.
  9. Somebody page GD. Ask him how's the update.
  10. Holy shit that thing is fucking ugly.
  11. The tv is nice. The rest is shit though.
  12. If that's the case then they won't be able to fill that ps5 hardrive with those 20 free ps4 games. Not because theyve already played them but rather because they will run out of space quick.
  13. Why is this only the case with Xbox and not PS5? So the impact of coronavirus only affects Series X buyers and not Ps5? What kind of stupidity is that?
  14. Why does everything have to be about race with you? I am telling you that being a modern Republican has less to do with race and more with those clasist ideologies yet you INSIST on tilting the political argument more and more towards its racist side.
  15. Being a modern Republican has more to do with backing those ideologies of giving tax cuts to corporations and the rich class that don't benefit the majority of the voting class (the poor South). You trying to find the silver lining on race is just proof that you are severely stuck of outdated racist ideologies.
  16. It's all fun and games till the handsome Peruvian guy with a huge cock does it. Then he's banned.
  17. Conservatives might love the military but they hate veterans as the evident elimination of veteran priviledges
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