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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I got myself a 2tb Ps4 external harddrive and a charging station.
  2. Looks like overly saturated low res trash. The saturated color palette is there to hide the shit low res textures. Forget about the boring gameplay.
  3. Elite Dangerous is way better and with a better community.
  4. No. Give me my warm weather all year long. Hate the snow.
  5. Disgusting. The most pathetic thing is that they can't see a limit to their own power hunger. This is going to backfire horribly on the.
  6. Democrats will never stoop that low. It's a virtue and a flaw at the same time. I mean look at Obama. He was too much of a gentleman to be an asshole like Trump.
  7. Gotta love that retarded inbred conservative thinking. "Trump wins wether he dies or survives because you'd be an asshole for not being able to separate politics from sensible humanity if he dies but if he survives it would be a brilliant political move".
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/politics/hope-hicks-positive-coronavirus/index.html (CNN)President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus, the President announced early Friday morning, an extraordinary development coming months into a global pandemic and in the final stretch of his reelection campaign. The diagnosis amounts to the most serious known health threat to a sitting American president in decades. At 74 years old, Trump falls into the highest risk category for serious complications from the disease, which has killed more than 200
  9. Sheep have been playing AND paying for NES games each console cycle and they are still a faction, albeit a disgusting one.
  10. Shouldn't a system like the Switch be able to run the game at 1080p widescreen mode without compromise?
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