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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. It does, and things have gotten more complicated. Before HDTVs were all about buying 720ps or 1080ps. Now its all about HDR, refresh rate, local dimmings, smart tv features. Shit is crazy.
  2. So I guess soundbars are more of convenient thing (pretty much what I need) while simplifying the technicalities of its features. However, I'd be losing on localized feature. If that's the case, I might have to decide on which console to go next gen, or just scrap it and go PC like I originally thought.
  3. Again. What makes you think that would be a pathetic move by MS considering current gaming is still tied to a yearly or monthly online fee JUST to play online. Then you have to factor in the price of the base game which is $60. Even then, you are still getting an incomplete game. So in order for you to get the full experience, you have to pay about $100 or more for the deluxe, limited edition, collector's edition whatever along with the $60 play it online. MS is trying to cut you a deal so you can get the online and base game for about $100 and you call that pathet
  4. What makes you think that when there is actually nothing like that right now? Especially the part in which dlc does not necessarily has to be tied in with an online subscription plan?
  5. Finally shelved my trusty fifteen year old Yamaha 5.1 (because I hate wires) and decided to look for a good soundbar. I thought about headsets too but it's too late for current gen gaming and even for next-gen, I'd have to get two different sets. So, soundbars it is.
  6. Poor sheep talking that online gaming can't be free. Remember those times in which gaming was actually free? MS introduced the online fee to bait competition into adapting their same model. Heck, even Nintendo followed suit and introduced a $20 yearly online fee and they don't give you shit back but a bunch of cheap roms. Their online infrastructure is still shit. Sony had PS3 online free and then they took the bait. Now, MS is basically removing the barrier once again so they could force Sony into doing the same. MS has realized that Sony is ju
  7. MS has a shitload of money. If they spent millions to hire two streamers, then cancelled their platform a few months later, then you know they have almost infinite pockets. They could easily buy Sony but they'd rather have them being the clown in the industry.
  8. MS is losing money on gamepass. But they have big pockets.
  9. Someone is getting fired.
  10. Shit bait. I have never experienced so many excuses like when clytoriux and overcell used to damage control Sony's pathetic showings with the PS3.
  11. Cows can't handle success. For once, the shitstation is doing well and they are like "bu bu teh lems ;("
  12. If the cows didn't get a name change in the ps3 era, then I don't see why the lems would.
  13. Oh I am sorry. I didn't know GRW was everything that Ubisoft did this gen. Yeah, forget about Watchdogs, Siege at launch and Division 1.
  14. Says the one who mains a Switch.
  15. Their biggest sin is to lie to people and overhype their games graphically.
  16. Wanna bet it will look like that in-game? Who knows, it might even look better.
  17. It said in-game footage in the trailer.
  18. It is in Forza. Where is that ray tracing in the shit station 5
  19. Dude. Nobody cares about Ratshit. Had you given a stronger franchise, you would have had a point. As it is, Ratshit has never been testament for anything.
  20. But there was a loading screen and that just screamed false advertising for a console being hyped for its ssd technology.
  21. I sit at about 7.5 feet from my 55" XBR. I bought a set of speaker stands that I put on my back. I have to be literally next to them to hear something but videogame sound tech is not that good with dolby or dts. Some games have good location sound like Death Stranding but most of them are 2.1 coded.
  22. How big is your room. I need to uograde from my 2006 Yamaha htr
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