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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Helldivers 2 is practically dead. 90% of their userbase lost. Sony doesn't give a shit. TCHBFR
  2. Libtards and Republicans love to claim themselves on the right side but they are just as bad as liberals and progressives. To put it simple, anyone not clamoring their political allegiance is OK in my book. Certainly are not those people driving with their confederate flags, or their pro gun stance, or their "Fuck Biden" stickers on the back of their trucks.
  3. That I am right. Everyone else thinks of the US as a running circus.
  4. Look at the comments, especially at the last one. Everyone is laughing at the Americans.
  5. Cute? Lmfao here comes more of your "patronizing" and arrogance when trying to come off as righteous when we all know here you sit at the exact opposite side of that libertarian and extreme right side you hate so much.
  6. Yeah, but who are you to say what is it or not genuine interest on something related to this country. He just told you how this country works, and you just disproved it with very little facts but rather personal opinions and feelings. Buddy, I often see you here projecting your own insecurities under the many insults you throw at people while trying to show yourself as something you clearly aren't.
  7. You just bitched at TLHBO for saying something because he doesn't live here, yet when I tell you people outside the US see this country as a huge circus and they don't care, you say I am wrong and they do. So what is it?
  8. Not really. This is like you bitching about people outside the US talking about American politics with authority then you come in here saying that people do care about American politics. I speak this from my own experience. People see the US as a huge circus mixed with tales of foreign government throwings and terrorism.
  9. I think they fucked up but not logistically. I mean, doing that shit in today's era where everything can be recorded.
  10. I honestly don't know who. But there is way too much proof that the snipers already had his location minutes before he made the shot.
  11. Maybe they see it as a celebrity kind of thing like the royal crown. That's it.
  12. Maybe he was set up but failed to do his task. They were still going to off him. He was like an American jihad.
  13. Let me repeat this again because I've already over empathized this. Nobody else outside the US cares about American politics.
  14. Tbh, it's not our fault as much as the real reason this country was created, Tax evasion heaven. The US has turned way too powerful, so much that it has become extremely corrupt in its foundation. The two party system is only one system. No one else is allowed to participate unless they are willing to lose their lives. And if for some reason, someone within that system decides to change lanes even so slightly, they get killed, like what happened to the Kennedy's.
  15. Today it the day both competitions wrap up. Currently, Spain is beating the annoying british cunts.
  16. I thought you said he was a courageous man, but the only thing we can take from Trump is that he is one of the biggest pos that govern the US. Simply he is taking advantage of a huge power key moment. Let's face it. Trump WILL be the president of the US. I have no issues with his term. As a matter of fact, I never cared about his first term, but it's his religious cult of a fanbase that we have to be careful with. Those guys are textbook religious nut.
  17. Are we talking about the same guy, Donald Trump? The guy who earned his fortune from his dad's businesses, yet bankrupted several others? The same guy who dodged the draft about five times? The guy who just played along in one of the most ridiculous ruses over in the history of this country? lmfao calling Trump an alpha.
  18. Kinda reminds me when George Bush went to war with Iraq and the media was like "You are with us, or against us" and "If you don't support GB, you hate America". Then Biden went to war in Ukraine and the media was pointing him as a war nut. It's the same hypocrisy from the right wingers. Except, Republicans are too stupid to see it.
  19. For real. The whole rhetoric of far left or democrats went out of the window. Tardpublicans strike again. We know who the real terrorists are.
  20. Seems fake. How convenient of let him pose for the photo op surrounded by the Secret Service. This is on par with the moon landing and 911.
  21. I bought this game to play with friends and most of them have already moved on. It doesn't help that Arrowhead is not including new content.
  22. GamePass increase makes no sense to have a physical Xbox considering they are pushing streaming, although it makes more sense to have a PC at this point. Lmfao Playstation.
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