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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Except it did. And I was a ps3 fanboy back then. The xbox 360 fucking made the ps3 its bitch back then. Bioshock, Mass Effect, Saints Row 2, the Outfit, NFS Most Wanted, Ace Combat 6 and then exclusives like Crackdown, Halo 3 and many more. Along with superior versions of games like Skyrim, Fallout 3, Rainbow Six Vegas, Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2. Meanwhile, the PS3 had shit like Motorstorm, Genghi, Heavenly Sword and some other shitty game. Make no mistake, the xbox 360 murdered the ps3 last gen.
  2. Yes, it delivers an improvement to the original remaster on ps3 and xbox 360. It should come at no shock that an 8th gen console can handle a port with much better visuals than the 7th gen. However, it still doesn't match the geometry found in the original PC version, a game that came out in 2007. And that is the part that I am pointing out. Still I didn't expect the Switch to be this weak, even though it is a repackaged WiiU. And good luck playing this in handheld mode.
  3. Except everyone laughed at this at the first time they saw it, and then expected at least this to be a remaster of the original pc version, which it is not. So it is a remaster of a downgraded version that still doesn't match the original version.
  4. Clearly there is a lack of communication between AMD's president and Mark Cerny then.
  5. I think in order to understand the cows, you have to think like one of them retarded cows. So here they are, trying to downplay the fact that the PS5 chipset is a hybrid between RDNA 1 & RDNA 2. Why not say, the PS5 is using an actual RDNA 2 chipset? But no . Instead, they say "custom" RDNA 2 "BASED" AMD GPU. It could be a basic RDNA 2 chipset that shares some similarities with an actual RDNA 2 chipset while stripping other features. This is just a typical marketing re-wording by Sony, and we are all used to their shitty tactics. Remember the Emoti
  6. That's a pretty shitty list. So MS is going to do what Sony did last gen to paddle that awful ps4 start?
  7. PS5 is a RDNA 2 hybrid but with more features. It is a pretty vague statement. It could mean not having ray tracing at all. However, all sheep should be banned from participating in threads like this, especially when they praise the Switch, something that can't even do 720p.
  8. 4k releases. Several games didn't offer 4k enhancements like Ace Combat 7. And then MS gaveaway gamepass to pc, even giving them that interesting Gears of Wars tactics game only on PC. Gamepass completely killed the One X. Made it useless. Another bold move by MS.
  9. The external support stopped after its first year. Several key games didn't even come with 4k output. And Gamepass completelt sent it to its graveyard.
  10. No it wasn't. It was more powerful than the Pro. The problem was MS that didn't support it.
  11. They are discontinuing the most expensive version while leaving the most affordable one to the public. It's called a normal business decision. The One X didn't sell as much as the regular one, plus the One X costs more to produce. There is nothing odd about it.
  12. Probably it is just as shit as the dualshit 4, or even worse. They'll just wait till the first stupid cow buys that pos and complains about the 1 hour battery life.
  13. This is what cows are getting hyped for you mean.
  14. It has tons of exclusives that you can't play in the shitstation. If you add PC, then you would have to pay more. Cows are so fucking stupid. Omg, xbox has no exclusives! My $400 Ps4 pro and $1500 pc can match the $400 Xbox One X!
  15. Wait, that pos now has 1 hour battery life? Can't be.
  16. Looks like it retains the same shitty analogs from the dualshit.
  17. You of all are trying to enforce any morality here. Some individual like you who often makes rape jokes. Yeah you sitting in your moral pedestal. lmfao. Like I said, this site is fucked, and the fact that you poor kiddies are trying to enforce a rule that you can't even fulfill makes me laugh.
  18. Looks quirky and unique and that manual transmission is a big plus. However, I also think it will be priced the same as the Gladiator, like $40k.
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