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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. HH constantly roams the Banned Wasteland. Chad is Diplo. Crazy fucker had multiple personalities.
  2. Platinum trophy son. That game was frustrating as hell, especially that fucking "crew" drifting mission, and beating Nakai San.
  3. I can send money with Western Union to a bank account. I can send a gift card though amazon. I don't like the idea of everything centralized, and besides, don't you need the other person to have an iphone in order to receive such money? And nope, the other day I tried sending an image to my boss, and I had to press one archaic green button (who knows why don't they have a universal attachment icon), then I had to locate the image. Mind you, the screen didn't get bigger. I had to squint in order to guess what image I was trying to send. Then after acceptin
  4. After beating both NFS 2016 and Fallout 4 with a Platinum, I just beat Halo CE, mainly Halo 1. One of the best fps games ever, although with some flaws like the Library and the last escaping level (fuck the Warthog).
  5. First of all, you can have 2 accounts in one phone, with a phone with dual sim cards, something you can only dream off doing with an iPhone. Second, nearly all of Southamerica, and parts of Europe use it. Third, it introduced features that imessage did later, like videocall and record voicemessages. Fourth but this is just a matter of opinion but it is far more easy to use. Want to send an image, one button. Want to videcall? One button Want to send a document? One button. With imessge, you have to go through several screens just to send an attachment.
  6. Is that even a valid argument? That's like saying a mcdouble is better than a focaccia with salame because no one eats them in USA.
  7. https://www.xda-developers.com/stop-apps-reading-android-clipboard/amp/ There you go. Raped. Only on Android. Can't do it in iOS.
  8. I am talking about tracking software. You can disable it in Android but you can't in iOS. The amount of shit that itards spew is unbeatable.
  9. It's not the only thing it will install in your pc without asking.
  10. And it's also a welcoming open door for viruses and trojans. Microsoft browsers
  11. Or most of the Sony shit that came for ps4. Do you see anyone still playing Uncharted 4 in 10 years? Hell, most of them don't even talk about it now.
  12. I've been having the itch to hook up my ps3 to play some old games and shelve my Xbox One but there are still old Xbox originals that I want to beat. But yeah, modern gaming sucks. If it isn't a shitty ww2 or modern fps with lootcrates, then it is the typical shitty openworld game with padded gameplay and one basic template spread across 5 games ( I am looking at you Ubishit).
  13. Actually that was pretty good, but you are still a shit poster Cocke.
  14. You meant clean the walls from your stinky shower?
  15. Company gave me an Apple iphone SE. People go nuts over this shit? OS seeme like it was designed for kids with ADD and nothint has changed from 2010. I had an ipod touch back then.
  16. I believe MS is a truly American company that stays true to its principles of fast reaction. If it doesn't make money fast, then it is a failure. A stark contrast compared to their Japanese rivals which focus on quality at the cost of sales in their first few years and then build themselves a name which they can profit for later.
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