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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Nice technology that won't be used by anyone this gen. Maybe Activision in 20 years, seeing as the only company that would use it as best is EA and they are still in honeymoon phase with their Frostbite engine.
  2. Enter the Matrix sold that many copies too. Sales is not indicative of quality. Also look at the yearly FIFA rehashes.
  3. So you banned me twice for something that was said two weeks ago?
  4. Angry Joe got a sexual assault claim because some whore who had a bf, followed him to his room and had no idea she was being lead. Also nothing happened.
  5. I dont want to get in his good graces. By reading the title, you would have realized that already.
  6. What chances. I didnt say shit and got banned yet kockujin was race baiting and got nothing.
  7. And to top it off, you had kockujin unbanned.
  8. Gtfo I havent said any spoilers or anything that hasnt be said before. Why dont you check that attempt at racism from kokujin and get off my dick.
  9. This game is the absolute realization of what goes inside the twisted mind of a sjw. It's like none of this make sense, absolutely nothing. And they are trying to get us to reason with them? lmfao round them up and take them to a remote island. Let them make their own civilization. I can guarantee you they wouldn't survive a year.
  10. lmfao so on top of wearing armor, they have to play inside a bubble? Shitamerican sports made for PUSSIES. Be like real men and play real man's football in an open stadium.
  11. LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT This game deserves the backlash. Poor people that actually had to program that. Druckman is a fucking psycho.
  12. No thank you. I already have the superior Amazon Music Unlimited.
  13. MalaXmaS


    You already cried once.
  14. Looking at the 4K version of that offline, it is really hard to see what is going on due to the car movement. Really hard to see the reflections let alone if self-reflection is occuring. But one thing that can be seen later in the trailer is that a car far ahead of the player is not using RT (could just be cube maps), or at least RT which does not run every frame (another possible optimation, stagger RT update for things at a distance). The reflection on the car here updates about 1 time every 30 frames. Footage slowed down to 25%. TCHBFR Console is not out, and it is already un
  15. I remember back in the 6th gen when cows used to make fun of the Xbox for its size. Well the standard was that if you want a more powerful console, you had to sacrifice size. I don't think, Sony engineers got the memo.
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