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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Pizzagate. The whole covid farse. Children being rescued from underground tunnels.
  2. Isnt that what every router has been doing all this time?
  3. Calling internet and they want to charge 75 to install that
  4. Thats not bad I guess. I mean look at Photoshop. Cant own it anymore. This is the new trend.
  5. 10 years? It's already happening. Epstein was just the tip of the iceberg, like literally. They already found out so they had to ice Epstein. It's too late though. It's a power struggle though and one side just happened to beat the other. Unless you have participation on either side, you are just the audience.
  6. Because they are psycopaths as most jews are. They fuckimg created the whole fake history about being the chosen ones when they are low scum. Fuckers rewrote history themselves.
  7. Internet speed is not there for streaming games. At least not in Shitamerica, but maybe in developed countries.
  8. They never had anything to show in the first place.
  9. Why? So it can get locked too? Think puta. THINK!
  10. Didn't know PD was also on PS4. bu bu forgetz teh ps4z ;(
  11. You are not pissing anyone off with that. You have to play it in your big tv and say that you don't notice a difference to achieve that.
  12. lmfao twinkie complaining only two people racebaiting here.
  13. Automatic HDR blows. It has to be calibrated by the developer. Example the HDR in Forza Horizon 3 and 4.
  14. Read it and weep faggots https://amp.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/fksex1/the_ps5_is_not_fully_backwards_compatible_with/ TCHBFR
  15. TCHBFR Only newest games after July 16 will. That is your limited BC for you.
  16. He's an egotistical person. His kind of projects can't fly anymore.
  17. I brought up Bioware because you were under the assumption that a developer could not be one of the best if they had only one or two games each gen. That's why I brought them, because quantity should not be a requirement in order to rule best developers from the gen. We are not in the automotive industry in which in order to be allowed to do something, you have to make x amount of the same product. I am confused as to what are you referring to the bolded part. Bioware? Well duh, but it is cyclical and like I said before, everything is something according to con
  18. Nigga you said Ubisoft was the best third party developer from this gen. Damn at least read what you say, lmfao
  19. GTAV also had that torture scene. Nope. Wouldn't fly nowadays.
  20. Bro, I don't care if you like Ubisoft or not. I just had to own you when you said that linear games are better than openworld, and they say Ubisoft is the best third party developer. You could have said one of the best (even though you would still be wrong). You could have just named a developer known for making good linear games, like FromSoftware. Holy shit, I just forgot about the Division, another openworld turd from Ubisoft. lmfao Ubisoft being best developer this gen. Definitely one of the most active, but best? Nigga gtfo.
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