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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. And just like that, neither Jerry nor the autistic cows came back to this thread. TCHBFR
  2. Lmfao. I think this will be the first time that Jerry claims defeat. Nvm about Cleetux. Lately, that dude has been acting stupid.
  3. $2 is not much, but $20 a month is too much for a renting game service. This is making me go back to buying games I really want. I don't even play online but I could care less about playing with Randoms. The only time I played games online was Diablo 4 with coworkers and Helldivers 2 with friends. Currently I am not subbing to any online gaming platform. To me, it is worthless.
  4. I used to buy psn plus from cdkeys, until they came up with the price increase.
  5. Lmfao so now cows care about Palworld, except they didn't read well. Cowtism strikes again TCHBFR
  6. Flopanada has worse accuracy than a Stormtrooper.
  7. I already bought it for Series X. I have a soft spot for this Beyond Good and Evil game. So much I bought it both for the original Xbox and PS2.
  8. For EDM? There is a TON of good artists, not the washed out crap that you just posted.
  9. This is downright unbelievable. Flopanada among the best 4 in Conmebol.
  10. We all know you have shit taste. Crysis 1 was a solid game back then. I platinumed on PS3.
  11. BF3 was boss. BF4 was alright too, but BFV was shit. I only played it because my ex was big into it, but I never liked the engine change. I didn't even bother with the new one.
  12. Only Twinkie would think anything Battlefield is a neat idea.
  13. Sheep already getting raped, in jail for being pedophiles.
  14. What about bailing out an industry that didn't give a shit about their employees in the first place. All in the name of trickled down economics. Both sides are mad stupid.
  15. Instagram models Cancel culture Pronouns 365 genders Being unable to tell a woman that she is fat Men being unable to voice an opinion Trans people Gender equality Remasters Sony going third party Sony's 2006 E3 Konami's e3 presentation TJ having a party with his huge pet rat Shail HH being a pedophile Pepperoni tits Etc...
  16. This is just straight up psychopath shit. The director must be white.
  17. There's a lot of things this generation can be remembered. A book could be written about it.
  18. Argentina missed a ton of chances in the first half. Some of them so unreal for veteran players like DiMaria and Messi. Flopanada just got good results by provoking the players from the opposite team.
  19. You lost against Panama. It was obvious that Flopanada would lose against Argentina.
  20. That's because Canada had an easy group.
  21. With the adoption of digital streaming and soon after, online gaming storefronts, physical gaming is dead.
  22. It all started with Neil Druckmann and his small penis energy being constant with the beta orbiting and trying to satisfy the crazy third Gen feminists. Now it's mostly lgbtq freaks running the show.
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