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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I am not gonna read that wall of text. Cliffs?
  2. You mean like something that was done by Google years ago? Apple is the chinese company of gadgets and their legion of blind fanboys will celebrate it.
  3. Trump never did and that's the real problem. The Corona Virus problem is something that has been dealt at state level and every state has a different way of doing things.
  4. My coworker has a big ass house, a ranch with horses and like 5 cars and she also "says" she lives paycheck to paycheck. I don't know if I should believe her or not.
  5. In reality is not about the money. The US spends way more than that on the defense budget every quarter.
  6. Naturally the evolution cycle straightens itself out and the fags weed off themselves. It's only the natural course.
  7. Soundbars sound pretty shitty. It's simulated virtual surround sound.
  8. Ok whatever. I am not into 4x4s anyways. Even though I was interested in a wrangler because of the snow, but the fag labelling is just too much for those.
  9. Kinda funny all that money could have been used to revamp our healthcare system, buy more ICUs, more masks and overall promote research of a new cure but nope. Lets give that money to the people so they can keep buying more useless shit.
  10. Another $1200 coming to your pocket.
  11. Stfu kid, after getting destroyed you tried to play your last card and failed miserably too.
  12. Xbox One X was already dead because of MS dumb dev decisions. Had nothing to do with over-engineering. Now, PS5 is more akin to Xbox One X regarding unneeded over-engineered specs. That would be like fucking yourself but you Cubans love that shit.
  13. That reminds me. Tonight is so warm it deserves beer. Luckilily I have a few bottles of Peruvian beer and Kirin.
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