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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. lmfao, he doesn't like cockspot anymoh ;(
  2. Depends from the engine, but most of the industry seems to be fixated on the possibility of more realistic looking games while ignoring what is most important for us, the gameplay. Just look at Frostbite 3. An engine that gave us very awesome looking fps games like Battlefield 1 and 5 but awful for everything else. It was actually the downfall of EA this gen, as many games flopped because of an engine that while visually stunning, it was not meant for more than one game (take Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda. They literally had to create facial animations for an engine that was not
  3. The logic is that real time engine demos are not indicative of quality or good gameplay design, and we are fans of the videogame industry, not movie industry.
  4. It might be visually impressive but we have being fed this visual novel bullshit of wowing us with graphics while forgetting about gameplay. Also, I would like for the next-consoles to improve their sound. It's very bad that current gen consoles support Dolby ATMOS but only a handful of games actually show it.
  5. Going spec by spec we all know that the Series X will murder the PS5. Sony better start working on some good games, with all that change in logo and everything. I hope they don't stick to the pathetic strategy of depending on indies for a couple years, like the beginning of the PS4.
  6. Nigga please. When Nintendo got their ass handed with the WiiU, they said they were not competing so gtfo.
  7. Tbqh, Nintendo has been doing their own thing for more than a decade. The last time they tried to compete, they got their ass handed (Gamecube). MS has very bad leadership. They need a good backing of first party and second party devs.
  8. Sony is in no better position. They have only shown a controller so stfd filthy cow.
  9. Putting that TLoU2 sjw trash has cemented the floppage of that logo.
  10. Guys, guys! The important thing is that Cocke's joycons are still working fine.
  11. Splinter Cell had also sniffing dogs and you could kill them, but there was no post-psychological effect. SJW are truly fucked.
  12. MS could lie and pull a Killzone here too. The gaming media love sucking dat sony dick. Omg that clip was not gameplay. MS lied!. Omg look at that Ghost of Tushima clip! look at that Death Stranding trailer! The game sucks but it is ok, because Sony! Sony please cum on mah face!
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