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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. He even created an alt and named himself "chad"; an ethuggish poster that used ebonics. Dude is white as fuck too. When he was discovered, he left the forum. Don't bother with him. He is like forum's resident retard or something.
  2. He lives under the former shadow of his highest achievement in his entire life; being an admin of this shithole years ago. When they demodded him, he took it so bad that he deleted the server's database. That dude is the epitome of a huge forum bitch.
  3. The Switch is a great console but I wouldn't get one to play shitty nes games.
  4. I thinl I am getting it digital this time. No sense in getting the UE physical version when everything is digital.
  5. The same game was also for PSP.
  6. Microsoft had an issue with the amount of exclusives but the really few ones were solid (Forza Motorsport 6&7, Horizon 3&4). Quantum Break, Halo 5, Gears 4 were solid titles. Free BC was a nice gesture, although a clear sign that they had screwed up. However Nintendo won this gen with such masterpieces as Zelda BOTW, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and many more. The biggest loser was Sony releasing shitty and overrated sjw walking simulators on a extremely cheap plastic made pos console that overheats the moment
  7. It had FH3 and F7 along with Gears 4 and Quantum Break
  8. lmfao. See you back on the lems side in a month once you get bored with it.
  9. Controls better than FH3's offroad for sure. Driving a Rally Raid Mini on the Australian beach and hitting a pebble and doing a 180 was frustrating af. In here at least the raid truck from the demo has more weight and can actually go over anything.
  10. Just tried it. 4k HDR goodness. TCHBFR
  11. Already have Prime and an Echo. I was thinking about getting Amazon music unlimited.
  12. Overrated buggied trash only because it's exclusive to the incelstation.
  13. Nah. GD left his gf to revive his passion of being a Florida drag queen.
  14. lostfool went full retard ever since his wife left him.
  15. Seriously, they ruined this game, first with lootcrates, then the overly restrictive homologation system. The game is unplayable because of this.
  16. Anyone that has played Forza 7 knows what I am saying. Shut the fuck up you dumb ass psycopath.
  17. Basically, you can't use a stock car and tune it to your liking and win a race based on pure skill. Every car has to be upgraded. Fuck this game.
  18. You say it is generic but show me something like that for the shitstation. That's right, TCHBFR
  19. Funny I felt the same about psflop. Played Killzone and it was shit. Nothing good was coming for that pos except indies and GTShit. Traded that for the Xbone with Forza 6 and was all set. Shitstation, for the incels.
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