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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. You don't have to do much when MS just basically shot themselves in the foot and Nintendo is doing their own thing.
  2. I already said I enjoyed the original Demons Soul. I just can't see myself replaying the same formula more than once, let alone all the Dark Souls and the remake. Did you play Demon Souls? @-GD-X
  3. Trying to claim ownage over a 26 year old game? I guess cows are full on remake mode. TCHBFR
  4. It's not really. A beautiful game to play with varied gameplay and one of the best soundtracks in videogame history.
  5. The only Souls game I played was the first Demons Soul on ps3. My biggest achievement was beating Maneater by myself. However, when I got to Flamelurker, I was like wtfffff.
  6. Mrs insufferable always projecting his pathetic life unto others.
  7. For real, there is an actual life outside the internet. I am not going to label myself as a victim, but I was part of a certain group a few years ago, always finding the negative side of that, so eventually I got tired of all that negativity and have been slowly leaving that mentality. It is funny how it works, the internet used to be a escape from reality, but nowadays it is a completely different and alternate universe to real life. Modern internet has made me stay away from it and go back to real life.
  8. As always Mrs. Insufferable bringing the racist bait and bitching when people respond to her.
  9. I used to love mindless shooters and tactical fps games. Now I wouldn't be able to stand learning the mechanics. The last game I truly enjoyed was Helldivers 2 and that was because I was playing with friends. Oh and of course I am enjoying my early summer.
  10. Well I just gave MGS5 another chance despite enjoying the game for hours, and I just happened to stumble upon the map change which makes everything harder, and I am not up to that with the retries and patience. I tried Doom 2016 and after getting two game overs, that was it for me. Yep, the only thing that I can tolerate are Nintendo get to the point games and racing games.
  11. Poor Firetard. He's so used to his basement that the only clapping he hears is when he walks with his fat ass cheeks.
  12. Another Xbox thread from cows? Yeah not obsessed at all
  13. I thought the third one was the best, with the improved color palette. 4th was just 💩
  14. RDR2 is an excellent game but truly a test of your patience.
  15. Yesterday, coming back from work, I pushed myself to play MGS5, and stopped playing it after getting discovered. Then switched to RDR2 and after playing for 15 minutes, quickly got bored. Is this it? ;(
  16. I had two Apple devices, an Ipod 5.5 gen which was absolutely cool with the video thingy but had terrible sound quality with earphones, and an Ipod Touch 4th gen which I lost in a taxi cab. I liked that device better. However, the big issue with Ipod products was downloading and transferring songs to, which in 2024 is absolutely a no go (lol who downloads music anymore). I had an Iphone SE given by the company, a very basic phone. Apple products are good, if you don't know much about the tech that you are getting into (phones, tablets or computers). Th
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