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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Its a looter shooter now. Since when was GR a lone wolf kind of game? Its a Division 2 clone in the jungle. And half of the game is behind a paywall, even with the ultimate edition.
  2. I bought it for $15 on a psn sale.
  3. You never know with MS unlimited pockets.
  4. Time for Xbox to rise from the ashes.
  5. My gf has been telling me all day along about this. Just wished it was a proper remake.
  6. Didn't renew Xbox Live and renewed PS+ for a year instead. TLHBFR
  7. So many feminism and cancer shit took over the Xbox division that killed it.
  8. Looked good but I dont know what is MS doing right now.
  9. For me it was gamepass . That was the last nail in the coffin.
  10. Judging by the POS4 and the POS4 Protato, PS5 will be annoyingly loud too.
  11. lmfao this is mine. https://systemwars.net/bb/topic/3-first-post/ lmfao andrewandthegang and holy crap, Cloning
  12. Looks like it is trying to accomplish too much. Take it to the track racing by day, illegal racer outlaw by night. I smell an incoming flop.
  13. NFS 2015 was decent. Beautiful looking game with extremelly tacky but fun to watch energy drink filled cutscenes.
  14. Why are you posting pics? He has a fucking dick.
  15. MalaXmaS

    Godly game

    You can play it on tv too. Which Bodycunt can't
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