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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. This is probably what MS wanted to do all along by getting rid of used games. I used to buy used games on the cheap. Now I just buy them on digital sales.
  2. It's the hardest AC game ever. You won't probably finish it. The later missions are more challenging.
  3. That's nice and all but I don't have time for that. Currently, playing Ace Combat 7 and GT Sport. This friday, I am getting new Metro. No time for free games.
  4. lol, they are not destroying anything. Times are changing. We are the grumpy gramps now. And it's perfectly normal. We grew up in a society that taught us a specific set of values which are now being completely revamped with new ones. Maybe some other peeps will find those shitty movies amusing. Kinda like how cartoons were better for us back then.
  5. Next thing will be reboots with transgenders. You can bet on it.
  6. Nothing worse than shitty reboots filled with minorities.
  7. I stopped giving a damn about console specs back in the PS2 era. 64 bits vs 128 bits and the emotion engine So those PS5 specs are they good? Better than Xbox One X I suppose. Hopefully more thought will be put in creating games with immersive physics engines like Physx.
  8. That's what happened to me with Fallout 4. Hated it at first. Such a downgrade compared to Fallout 3 but it grew on to me and now I can't put it down. There is something about just wandering around the wasteland with Ada tagging along and burning raiders to a crisp.
  9. There is no excuse. Game was downgraded and is extremely unimpressive.
  10. This place wasn't supposed to grow anymore. It peaked during the 6th gen. Let this place die already. Sidescrollers was a better place ffs.
  11. Wrong. The first one came as a surprise when everyone bought it for the Halo 3 beta, and then they actually liked the game. Then it developed a cult following which then dwindled by the time Crackdown 2 released and it turned out to be the same game but with zombies. The third one is just worse than the first two. Looks like a Quake 3 demo with auto-aim.
  12. By 2016, the console had promise. FH3 was about to be out along with Gears 4. Then MS showed the X and enticed everyone with promises of support. Two years later, and we haven't seen anything good in-house aside from Forza Horizon 4. Yeah, the X is dead.
  13. Someone ban this faggot!
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9R0igSJ_1k The death of a good franchise. This looks so rushed. Wtf were they doing these whole 5 years? But on a positive note, looks like Turn10 is working on Forza 7.
  15. Big difference between wanting to do it and able to do it. In order for Nintendo to be able to charge $60 for a proper online service, they'd have to spend money on good infraestrucutre, a closed online system and nicknames. They will never do it.
  16. I still think the Xbox One X is an amazing piece of hardware. It's just MS that is garbage.
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