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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. PS2. I would pick nothing from that list. Each console is lacking something that the other one has that it makes picking only one impossible.
  2. lol calm your tits down. It's not the same girl I liked. It's another one. That's why she caught me off guard.
  3. I am still waiting for Jerry to name that PS4 exclusive.
  4. This thread is glorious. Not only were the stupid sheep raped but jerry is so fucking dumb that he basically set himself for another butt blasting.
  5. I tried it with a controller and I couldn't handle it. I guess I should try it with the wheel.
  6. The Forza series have turned more accessible than Gran Turismo. Gone are the sim like racing features. Forza 7 was a disgrace, geared towards casual heads. The whole homologation system wrecked the game from the start along with the inclusion of loot crates. With this, MS made Forza 7 to be a card based game but the fanbase protested and they got rid of it but the damage was done. Forza 6 is a much better game than Forza 7. The events were repetitive yes, but the races were better. The DLC was better too. Porsche and Nascar DLC were fun to do.
  7. Next gen, I am probably skipping it altogether and just focus on PC. Mostly racing games and fps.
  8. Shit like this makes me want to throw all my consoles away and start fresh with PC.
  9. All of them HDR 4k How's that game converting going on, bodyodor?
  10. I'd call it a failure though. Too much emphasis on a decently looking graphics engine and not much on the actual playability. Seriously, not being to able to shoot through a window.
  11. Yeah it's an old game with a shit control scheme. Kinda like how RE4 was but that didn't stop people from liking it. But yeah, games like that were meant to be enjoyed back when they were brand new. Same thing with the first RE game. I got the RE collection for my One X and I really tried to enjoy RE1 but it's hard to adapt. At least, in that game you are not meant to shoot at everything. RE4 though.
  12. So basically the new RE2 has a shit physics engine.
  13. It is a scam. But there is nothing we can do unless you stop playing online. PS Plus used to be amazing back then but the quality of games was greatly reduced once PS4 came in and I can't believe they are still supporting the VITA.
  14. GT Sport. Screw Dirt Rally. Game is too unwelcoming and without a handbrake, the stages are unplayable. I need another racing game for PS4 though.
  15. I've been playing GT Sport and love it, but also I've been trying to get into Dirt Rally but it's ruthless. This game without a handbrake is like playing with brakes. The amount of wheel travelling in this game is brutal. I think I am going back to traditional GT games. Maybe I'll get PGR2.
  16. You know Bodyodor is still hurt that whenever we talk about MS, he writes huge paragraphs that non one will read.
  17. Oh they are dude. There is this gay dude in BoTW that actually builds your house.
  18. Is the elder scrolls online good or am I gonna get raped with wannabe MLGers?
  19. Let's not forget he sold all his One X collection to convert it to ps4 and switch
  20. Looks like the sjws kill another thing.
  21. Sony will pick up Bungie just to make sjw space simulators with period shooting lesbians and manly women as the hero and men as the enemy.
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