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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. This happened to two coworkers too. Also after christmas day. I am beginning to think you got food poisoned.
  2. Got it yesterday and it's already assembled.
  3. This goes right in hand with too young to drink but good enough to enlist and die. It's all bullshit though.
  4. I loved the first one. Never played the second one because I didn't have a 360 back then. They should scrap this and cancel this.
  5. Yep, but those are for the Fanatec bundle.
  6. So I ended up buying the Openwheeler gen 2 racing seat. Oh shit.
  7. I am getting one. I tried using it on a table my uncle build for me years ago but it is too wobbly and the shifter is on an unnatural position.
  8. The G29 is $200 off fyi
  9. I still love my Xbox One X.
  10. In for some racing fun times
  11. It is fucking lovely. The minute you boot up the game you immediately feel that a lot of attention and detail went into this game. It is a nice feeling from Forza's lack of soul. Forza 7 is still a great racing game but GTSport is car porn.
  12. I only see Ace Combat, Crackdown and Metro.
  13. Reminds me of the moon landing hoax. But at least, it was less pricey.
  14. Now sheep are going to say Pokemon X & Y are two different games.
  15. Holy shit, handling wise, it shits all over Forza. The cars actually have weight unlike Toyza.
  16. So I am finally thinking about building one. Should I go full pc or console? Mostly ps4 because of the pc compatibility
  17. And I was about to buy BF5 tonight. Glad I didn't. They really want to kill the game.
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