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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Jonah Hill will always be a fat fuck. He looks like a lesbian now.
  2. Skyrim for $30 when you can find it for $20 on Xbox with HDR and 4k.
  3. MGS4 had great story because every character from the series was nearly represented and tied into the story in a genius way. MGS4 was ballshit insane like an action movie. TLoU was garbage because it tried to be overly pretentious with a shit story and ended up being corny and cliche while trying to get through the awful gameplay.
  4. It's not a solid TPS because guns are useless in this game with the crappy aiming. And MGS4 had great story because it followed on the story from characters we already knew about unlike TLoU. I don't give a shit about protecting some brat I just met.
  5. 93% on metacritic and going down. TSHBFSmash'd
  6. Farcry with faggots and trannies.
  7. Anyone will disagree with you. MGS4 still looks good. Same with GTA4. TLoU looks dated both in level design and animation.
  8. So I just got a ps4 and FIFA 19 mostly to play online. I am joining a Peruvian group to play Battlefield but they are basically telling me to get V. Any deals going on?
  9. MGS4 and GTA4 still look good to this day.
  10. You want narrative, read a book or watch a movie. If I want to play a game, then TLoU is definitely not it.
  11. It's probably has to do with the fact that the game looks dated and has clunky gameplay. All puzzles revolve around aiding the dumbshit ai. Stealth basically consists about throwing bricks.
  12. They said the story alone was worth playing this but I really can't stomach the stiff and outdated gameplay mechanics.
  13. I get into a room with 2 clickers and 3 zombies. I quietly dispose of one zombie and then another sees me and all of them automatically know were i am. Overrated shit with ps1 stealth gameplay. Even MGS1 had better stealth gameplay than this.
  14. It was garbage. Uninspiring gameplay while babysitting Juno.
  15. Stealth game for babies. Glad I only wasted $5 on this piece of shit.
  16. OG launch UI was fine. Everything was right there. Now, you have to go through multiple tabs to do anything.
  17. Does everyone knows what the dlc will be all about?
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