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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I could understand why. Games are very similar save the setting.
  2. I got that dlc for cheap but never really played it much.
  3. I gotta admit though. Australia's nights are more stunning than England. Maybe it has something to do with always being cloudy and rainy.
  4. FH4 is like 2 games in one I swear. Playing the game on winter feels so different than the other seasons. It's one of the most beautiful games ever. I like everything about it, except the stupid clothing accesories.
  5. On the last race you were starting first place and getting quite a gap right away while I was making my way through the jonbs. I'll add you later puta.
  6. Your drivatar was rubberbanding like a bitch on Forza Horizon 4. So I deleted you. Ironically, after deleting you, your cheating cunt AI placed third. Also Jonb's drivatar can't drive for shit. He is always ramming people.
  7. Damn, I remember the original Xbox. Probably older than the Diplobaby and his Chad account combined.
  8. aww poor baby, is it your first earthquake?
  9. Looks incredible for a 5 year old port. Wait what?
  10. Hardly ruined EA. They still have their line of sports titles. FIFA rakes a lot of sales worldwide. I'd say it's all EA's fault for constantly releasing the Battlefield games barebones and then releasing dlc way too late.
  11. Dude, who gives a fuck. I already said I have all 3 systems.
  12. I have been playing FIFA 19 on the ps4 slim and the hdr is nowhere near as noticeable as the hdr from FIFA 18 on my X. Does this mean that you won't get good hdr unless you also get 4k? Because I am telling you, FIFA 18 looks effin amazing on my XBR running the Xbox One X but for the slim it looks meh.
  13. Trying to pick from the black friday psn sale.
  14. It also came with a Spiderman movie? Any good?
  15. Only got it for playing FIFA 19 with friends.
  16. Just got the spiderman ps4 slim
  17. oh no, cows lost their only chance to get intimate with the females
  18. Es dificil ser un full bodied hombre lemming con big cojones y un big dick mientras que estas rodeado de estas vacas maricas. Es broma putita. Maldita sea, parece que voy a tener que comprarme un puto ps4 en black friday. Nadie tiene el Xbox
  19. I guess it's good if you like American sports games and outdated versions. I'd rather play it when it's new but even then, I don't play that many EA games. That and I would be jumping from game to game, not even finishing them.
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