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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Same shit, different name. Hell, even Valve tried to sell you that pos steam boxes with that weird ass controller and all hermits were happy getting buttfucked.
  2. Kinda like the ps4 controller. You put in your ass while you jack off to your sjw porn walking simulators.
  3. Really dude? Do you rehearse your own jokes a day before you tell them and laugh for days?
  4. Nah, I don't need retards like yourselves following me around.
  5. lol you know cows have reached a new low when they adore Jerry
  6. Anyone still plays Rosscharted? Detroit. buh buh mah awards
  7. I am not into shitty walking simulators so I am not missing much.
  8. Doesn't take much to realize that considering the userbase, idiot.
  9. Nah dude. You know me. I used to be a huge PS supporter till the ps4. I bailed when Sony was trying to convince us that indies were amazing and that's all we needed. Even now, I don't like the exclusives they pumped out. I could care less about Uncharted 4, Detroit, God of War and GTSport. I'd rather have the Forza Motorsport and Horizon games. Heck, I enjoyed the crap out of State of Decay 1 too.
  10. Sony has always had good marketing push. Unfortunately, they have shit games.
  11. Shit bait. Keep reaching faggot.
  12. Whoever thought having Pokemom voiced by Ryan Reynolds should be fired. Especially now that everyone is used to hear him and immediately think Deadpool.
  13. Your small print should be "Rated R for Retarded".
  14. RIP but to put sad faces is hipocrisy. I don't give a shit about his personal and I am pretty sure neither did he.
  15. I won't let him come back. The moment he turns green, he'll get banned.
  16. What's that? RDR2 at 4k? Nah, gimme mah tetris VR ;( TCHBFR
  17. When your whole year consisted of a shitty sequel that revolved around babysitting your gay son, a rape simulator, a Spiderman game (who the fuck cares about Spiderman) and now Tetris VR, you know TCHBFR
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