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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Holy shit, all because you wanted to cheap out on tires.
  2. How the fuck did you manage to do that? Anyways, take it to a body shop. Could be an entire panel replacement, depending on the damage. At least a grand.
  3. Enforcing my point is not being insecure. I am just telling you I have played a ton of great online games back in the day. Unreal tournament 99, quake, tftc, css, ghost Recon, tribes. Games nowadays improve very little on the formula. They all revolve about leveling up your character while giving you big but empty maps and mask it with dumbed down gameplay.
  4. Kid, I have played better online games than you during the day.
  5. Even online co-op. It is something about the time it takes from your. Like I bought Diablo 4 a month ago and already stopped playing it because I do other things beside gaming. I'd rather play sp games at my own pace. Like right now I am having a blast with hitman trilogy.
  6. MalaXmaS


    Like all cows, they run away
  7. Azucena is from Perú, lol nice. She reminds me of a more reserved Christie Monteiro. She still got some moves though.
  8. Is so good that despite the time, it retains that Quality. Much better than that Wildlands mess.
  9. Oh boy, I can imagine how bad has life treated you that you have to come here with your bitterness and try to find some sort of pleasure developing your tough e-persona.
  10. Well, guess what chump. I have my own house and a king size bed. What now? Uh-oh, what are you going to do with your sad life?
  11. Let's face it. You are just here to get a reaction, and no matter how negative and humiliating is against you, you won't stop I'll just stop with the abuse right now.
  12. Recently I downloaded Rage for Series X and wow this game must have been good back then. I mean, the textures look washed out now but I could see a good foundation for what it was Fallout 4 later.
  13. You shouldn't be serious with a known troll in this place. Apart from being insecure, he is also selfish. His girlfriend, who is "out of his league" collapses and all that he can think about it is himself.
  14. Criticizing certain aspects about women = hating all women. We all know your mind cant comprehend too much but please stop humiliating yourself everytime I see you. A guy thinking he is with a girl out of his league is a problem, for him. You should never have that mentality when you are with someone.
  15. I can smell your estrogen from here.
  16. You should be ready to lose her eventually too. But I don't think you are understanding what or who is the real problem here. Holy fucking low self steem.
  17. Man this way of asserting an issue, of attacking someone's mood is akin of a feminist. It is like when you put a woman in her place and she tells you "who hurt you?" But regarding this topic, I agree that Series S should have never come out. However, we are going to see the same issue with cows next year when they release the PS5Pro. Except it is going to happen the other way around. Games are going to be built with PS5 base in mind, and little to no features being used on PS5Pro. The moral of the story is, its never a good idea to make mid gen r
  18. Problem is not all of $70 games are AAA.
  19. No back in 2006 I complained about paying for online. AAA games quickly make their money in matter of weeks. Like I said, it was understandable back then for $60 games but now? Also noticed you never mentioned that word, "inflation"?
  20. It's not about understanding the concept of inflation. It's about understanding the reason behind the price hike to $60 back in 2005. It had nothing to do with inflation but rather game development increase, which was the introduction of the hd era. Yeah I know Jerry you are very anxious to describe what inflation means but it has nothing to do with in this topic. https://osgamers.com/frequently-asked-questions/when-did-games-go-from-50-to-60
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