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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. That thing is going to get abandoned faster posvr2. Imagine every developer has to spend more time coding for the base game and the pro version. Only Sony will use this shit for two remasters and call it a day. Done, $600 down the drain. TCHBFR
  2. The only thing you can taste is the Cows asshole getting ripped through with Sony's dick.
  3. Good luck alienating your existing fanbase with a $500 useless purchase. But cows are used to that. TCHBFR
  4. Being a 40 year old fanboy I mean the sheep are a different breed but holy shit sucking up to Sony in 2024.
  5. Maybe I haven't gotten up to that part. That enlist treats the power armor like a toy with no knowledge of its limits but what's worse was having that twerp using it before.
  6. How long should I keep it for?
  7. I watched up to episode 3. Pretty good although I am confused about mixing up the Enclave with the Brotherhood of Steel. Didn't know the BoS needed a support guy next to it. Also didn't like the fact that T-60 didn't require that nuclear battery to run seeing as they live in post nuclear apocalyptic earth and resources as scarce.
  8. Been rocking this Pixel 5 since 2021. Google has stopped supporting this phone with updates so I am wondering if I should upgrade my phone. Battery is about 75% good, it quickly discharges up to 65% then lasts longer till I have to charge at 30%. I would be getting a Pixel 8 of course. Fuck Samsung and their bloatware. Lmfao iOS
  9. Haven't bought physical in years so I am good.
  10. I had my main game beaten and a second one but forgot about it. Too late to pick up that second playthrough so I'll make a new one, especially now that everything has been rebalanced.
  11. What amazes me are dumbfucks still paying for a FF7 rehash
  12. Lmfao butthurt cows still crying about not getting the goty exclusive
  13. It is not even $50, nor $60, but instead $70, charging that current gen tax
  14. I have the same problem with the Switch. Can't do portable gaming anymore.
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