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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. BG3 on Shitstation 5 dropping to 12fps = 9! Starfield on Series X maintaining 30fps = 7, can't be! bu bu teh cows!
  2. Stage 2 to make more remasters of remasters.
  3. Everyone that wanted a PS5 for baldurs gate already has one. People are buying xboxes for Starfield
  4. Have you even played NMS? lmfao cows putting that filth above Kingsfield.
  5. God was like you want to behave like primitive retards in the 21st century? Ok then have at it, retards.
  6. It's because at first it was a mess. Then it turned into an online space MMO where you just gather resources.
  7. I don't know who what I'll be venturing myself for, but if it is anything like Divinity Original Sin, then I'll be all set.
  8. I'll play it, when it comes out for Series X.
  9. Lmfao, Yeah, it runs fine on POS5, but Starfield is a flop on Series X.
  10. The game didn't flop and it is selling pretty damn good. Premium Edition upgrades are topping the charts and the game is not even out yet.
  11. It has a bit of Outer Worlds with very light aspects of Elite Dangerous. The planet exploration aspects puzzles me out because it feels so separated from the actual mission. It's not like in Mass Effect where you explore, find the headquarters and execute your mission. Basically land in a planet, run around, find some landmarks and teleport into them. I am like so what's the exploration perks for? The items and resources counter. What is that for? And then in a side quest, I had to *gasp* plant a satellite relay and with that I had a
  12. Wait what? Where am I trashing the game? Is your brain so basic that can't understand further than good or bad?
  13. lmfao this is such a cow circlejerk. Xbox is doing fine. They have more games to show off, and based off their activity, they are still doing more mergers, expanding their gamepass catalogue, getting more subscribers and getting more releases. You should worry about Sony which from the looks of it, they don't know what they are doing. I mean, they keep on releasing hardware without any use. At first, they released POS5, which relied heavily on remasters and remasters of remasters, then released that pos paperweight PSVR2 with next to no support, and now they just relea
  14. Hey Jerry, you can continue trolling in the other thread you know.
  15. I get the same feeling I had way back in 2015 when I got Fallout 4. It is typical Bethesda franchise gaming with the space theme. And I am not saying this as a bad thing. Visually speaking it offers a clean presentation. There is nothing stunning about this game but detail wise, it is really good. There is a ton of menu sorting to do the most basic tasks, so I agree with the video about "Before you buy Starfield". However there is a ton of customization, crafting and perk customization in this game. What do I mean by this? That back in 2015
  16. Playstation has been a shitty console ever since the PS4 era. Nothing but indies in the first two years, then walking simulators and then the switch to the woke agenda. MS has been more worried about getting publishers in their portfolio.
  17. I played till Chapter 12 or something. The pace was awful. Lmfao best action game of all time.
  18. Uncharted 4 was a snoozefest. Is this what you cows are backing yourselves with?
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