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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Skyrim was amazing, probably my GOTG. Fallout 4 was disappointing at first but serviceable at best. I never tried FO76. However, there is a lot of Bethesda haters ever since they went MS exclusive. A bunch of stupid cows that hate great games but love tranny flag infested woke games.
  2. He said 14 games, not 14 PS5 games. Could have been the original 14 PS Plus games that shitty console came with.
  3. There is nothing that justifies a PS5 purchase. My friend who is a hardcore fanboy hasn't got one yet. There is nothing on ps5
  4. If you wanted to switch to PC gaming because of subscriptions, then you would have done it already. Right now, you are just bringing the idea because you are a bitter ps fanboy who got owned the same company who sucks its dick.
  5. Considering it doesn't offer anything new. If Sony wanted new subscribers they should have increased the price of essential and lower premium. But they are too stupid and greedy.
  6. I remember when cows are talking about gamepass ultimate price increase. TCHBFR
  7. Just get the switch. Don't buy the ps5 You'll regret it. It is a pos
  8. Ok then pay $90 for the full deluxe edition.
  9. It includes the dlc. Shady would be to pay twice to play the same game, and for $70.
  10. No, you are paying for the dlc. Get it right
  11. PlayStation has nothing yet. All those games you listed were nothing important
  12. Talking shit about gamepass games while hyping that turd
  13. But they sure speak of such speculation with so much certainty and even put it on top of everything. Talking about no actual games is more important than having games to play. Lmfao cows are so stupid
  14. That's the same thing I did with Forza Horizon 5.
  15. Oh shit, the deluxe edition is playable this Friday. Excellent time for labor weekend. TCHBFR
  16. They won't. It would mean designing two menus, one for Xbox and the other for pisstation. More resources and we all know Sony are quick to release hardware and quickly abandon it. Look at psvr2. TCHBFR
  17. I felt a bit of that back then, but nothing like the PS4 stinkers. PS4 was truly shit the first year with indies.
  18. Did you get the discount? I think you only pay like $35. Also, I am not sure about the Deluxe Edition since the cloud won't be online till official release date.
  19. 10 years from now, sheep will get GTAV for Switch 2 and act like Nintendo revolutionized online gaming with GTAO.
  20. I got a PS5 for GT7 and at first I was marveled by the style of the game. But quickly my positive first impressions faded out due to the glaring flaws. It is 2023, and you can't have a driving simulator that prides itself on realism without visual damage. The other glaring fault is the lack of mechanical damage. In Assetto Corsa, you try to downshift when you are on a high rev and not on the right gear and you'll damage your motor. Go too hard on the brakes and you fade them. NONE OF THIS HAPPENS IN GT7. Also another glaring issue is the
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