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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. No its not Apples and Oranges because Sony is trying to half ass into the hybrid market with an extra $200 pos that does what the Nintendo Switch can already do without buying an addon. TCHBFR
  2. Looks really interesting but I don't know if I am willing to put in the hours. I mean is it as sim like MechWarrior? Or much lighter like Armored Core PS2 era games?
  3. Lmfao what are you talking about. This cheap POS handheld does nothing that you can already do in your phone TCHBFR
  4. Looks good, although I am a bit off about the fact that Robocop is using a submachinegun.
  5. I am also trying to get rid of mine. Biggest mistake I've ever done. POS has no games.
  6. I am about to do the same. Which one is the best expandable SSD?
  7. Everyone is talking about Starfield. Some coworker was looking for a PS5 but no More. Now he can't stop talking about Starfield. TCHBFR
  8. Looks like the game is getting positive reaction.
  9. For a moment, I thought this was about a Dolby Digital 5.1 patch for Quake. But a 5.1 quake in Cali is even better. Should have been 7.1
  10. Both of them not on Switch
  11. I remember the MGS collection had slowdown for Xbox, during the tanker chapter outside.
  12. Call me if the body is still warm
  13. Will play it later for the sexbox.
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