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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I played the first one a lot but in the end dropped it because it was lacking personality.
  2. Are you planning to play them or just collect them? Over G Fighter is a light combat flight sim like Aero Elite Combat Academy PS2.
  3. Recommendations? Whatever you can find, make a comparison to what you see online and buy it. I had a few Xbox 360 games years ago then sold them with my 360. A game I shouldn't have sold was Import Tuner for it. As of now, I only have Splinter Cell Double Agent, and Over G Fighters.
  4. Not really. MS is doing their business the same way Sony is forcing their SJW agenda down our throats. The only company not giving a shit and excelling at this is Nintendo.
  5. Even though this time I wasn't quite drunk but more like tipsy. Anyways, bought two tickets for the upcoming Simon Doty and Marsh event at the Brooklyn Mirage. Now I need to convince my friend to come with me.
  6. I cancelled it a few months then brought it back. Its fine, for what it offers.
  7. Zero. How many the last of us shit did your fgt mind consumed?
  8. CanĀ“t have gay faggotry things without Playstation nowadays.
  9. So we get a Barbie themed car and PS owners full fledged tranny games full of feminazis and faggots. Ok.
  10. Uh, I was never a cow but I was sporting the blue colors back then, though I was a GT fanboy. I even said it. However MGS4 was one of the reasons to own a PS3 back then.
  11. TCHBFMAR!!!! One of the best MGS games finally best on Xbox.
  12. I haven't had a problem with Amazon Prime, yet. However I use it for the online shopping and my parents for Prime Video.
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