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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. Uhmm..was I the only one that noticed the guy is wearing a fucking dynamite vest? What in the fuck?
  2. Sony has always been a garbage company, ever since the early PS3 days when they thought brand alone would carry them through the gen, after the PS2 golden era. When they saw how the Xbox 360 was literally shitting on the PS3, they decided to change tactics quickly.
  3. It's true that Microsoft is not doing anything this gen so far, aside from some shitty exclusives on Gamepass. Too bad though, Series X is an amazing piece of hardware, much better than that ugly ass monster pos5. MS seems to be taking developers but not doing anything with them. Almost three years into Series X and no new Elder Scrolls nor Fallout, not even a hint. Rockstar, an independent studio is holding on GTA6 for so long that we might see another GTA5 remaster again. Sucks though, because the only thing we can turn into is what? more walking
  4. Aside from the boring theme, Spiderman wow, who gives a fuck, the game has a Infamous Second Son look.
  5. The old MS would have bitch slapped Bungie and told them to stfd. Sony is doing live service games with a $500 console? lmfao fuck outta here
  6. If it weren't for GT7, I would have never gotten the pos5
  7. That's a shitty start. Two remakes, Japanese trash and unproven garbage.
  8. This looks like a PS3 HD remake.
  9. It sucked. The only remotely interesting games were the senior alike clone and MGS3 remake. Everything else was shit, especially the VR segment
  10. Oh no, we are invading his personal safe space TCHBFR BU BU MAH VRZ ;(
  11. Which makes everything worse for them. Sony bitching about exclusive grabs when they have been doing the same thing in Japan. Look at poor Sony getting Bungie, they are the good guys! But look at MS doing it with Bethesda! Bad MS!
  12. Lmfao if it weren't for GT7, I would have sold my pos5. Shit has nothing but remasters and games full of sjw trash.
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