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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. When cornered, say line 1, "incel" When embarrased, say line 2, "who hurt you" Mr. Insufferable
  2. "esposed". You are so focused on your weak act that you forgot the fact that I wasn't the one who initially called you gay. Please, weak ass, "who hurt you"? Are you going by one by one on the list of the typical third wave feminist comebacks?
  3. I am not calling you gay as an insult. I am calling you on your textbook angry feminist way of replying to anyone who disagrees to what they are saying, ie "incel this", "incel that". Only women do that, but since you are gay, it perfectly explains why you act like a whiny little bitch.
  4. Perfectly explains why.
  5. Lmfao you must not get any dick, because you already get enough pussy the moment you wake up and have to shave that cobweb infested hole. No fucking way you are a guy. Just no way.
  6. The feminist auto defend mode comes so easy within your vagina is almost pathetic.
  7. Dude, didn't you get abandoned by your ex-wife and then fall in love with a terminally ill girl? Talk about being an emasculated little pussy. Mr. Impossible and you should make a sitcom.
  8. We all know you are the biggest beta vagina here so that comment doesn't come as a surprise. Not even close.
  9. It's not about who plays the games, but rather who makes the games and thanks to those gender equality and diversity rules in the workplace, now we have green haired feminists trying to pitch in with their absurd ideas in hopes of being included. Problem is, NOBODY in that target market likes them. As a matter of fact, NOBODY in the visual and interactive media industry likes them at all. And nothing will stop that until they keep bankrupting game devs with their stupid ideas.
  10. That image is not aimed at young girls but at the aging women that have already reached the wall.
  11. Was HDR playable on base Xbox One? If you are not putting so much emphasis on these extra features, why are you defending pos 5 pro again? Lmfao Jerry so easy to own.
  12. As a technical machine, Scorpio succeeded. Which is more than what pos5 pro will do.
  13. Nope. It had 30fps mode with HDR on FH4 and hdr 60fps with fm7. Not doable on base Xbox One. You lost again.
  14. Yeah, we are talking about pos5 pro, you traumatized cow. Besides, the Xbox One X saw more success than posvr2
  15. That thing is going to get abandoned faster posvr2. Imagine every developer has to spend more time coding for the base game and the pro version. Only Sony will use this shit for two remasters and call it a day. Done, $600 down the drain. TCHBFR
  16. The only thing you can taste is the Cows asshole getting ripped through with Sony's dick.
  17. Good luck alienating your existing fanbase with a $500 useless purchase. But cows are used to that. TCHBFR
  18. Being a 40 year old fanboy I mean the sheep are a different breed but holy shit sucking up to Sony in 2024.
  19. Maybe I haven't gotten up to that part. That enlist treats the power armor like a toy with no knowledge of its limits but what's worse was having that twerp using it before.
  20. How long should I keep it for?
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