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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. PS5 is trash surviving on PS4 remakes and remasters. And last Gen was full of women with dicks in Sony camp Fuck you Sony and fuck their fans.
  2. A matter of time till the fgt cows from CMA get owned.
  3. POS5 is equally just as bad. The only console holding this gen by itself is the Switch.
  4. So, I had to call out today from work, not because as an excuse to play this game all day long, but rather because I really got sick yesterday with a runny nose, constant sneezing, and chills. Meanwhile, I have been playing this game all day long, and I don't see myself playing anything soon. So I just cancelled my subscription to both PS Plus and Gamepass Ultimate.
  5. lmfao, I just chopped trees and made a big ass log to lean onto the mountain and climb from there.
  6. A bit stuck in the tutorial going for the third shrine. I guess I gotta keep exploring. I get to the top by eating hot peppers, but then to reach the actual shrine, you gotta climb an icy mountain.
  7. The Dualsense 2 has a garbage battery, unless you played it wired, so no.
  8. THHBFR But seriously, I can't play handhelds anymore. I tried playing Fire Emblem in handheld mode and couldn't handle it with the small letters. Now imagine 4k res. Nope.
  9. Got it bitches. Went to Best Buy on my break
  10. You didn't beat BOTW? I am not a Nintendo fanboy but gotta admit BOTW was amazing. My second Zelda game that I beat after ALBW.
  11. Bad strategy from RB for SP? He should have started with the same tires as Verstappen. I was expecting some more cock blocking from Russell this time. Max is just a fuckin beast.
  12. PS3 had a high defect rate too. The YLOD. I had it, sent it to Sony to get it fixed for free after that lawsuit, and then 6 months after the Bluray crapped out. Worst pos ever. MS stuck to the most traditional and cheapest thing to work on at that time, which was DVDs. Simple enough.
  13. Yes, cows, all of 2006. It was a sequence of cows getting owned week after week.
  14. The UK doesn't have the power to introduce this bill and have it hold down. MS will eventually make its way through.
  15. It won't. A decision like this can be easily overturned. 10 years seems like a desperation move.
  16. If trash like TLoU remake can get high marks, so anything can.
  17. https://espndeportes.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/11979802?ex_cid=deportes_gob_formula1 @Sergio Perez SP11Carlos, get your taco ass in here.
  18. Meltdown how? Because I am actually saying the truth. Or are you going come here and say this is something new or recent?
  19. Bro, talk about what Hiroki is actually working on without mentioning Xbox. lmfao this shit is like classic 2006 SW bait, except with baby cows.
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