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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. https://espndeportes.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/11979802?ex_cid=deportes_gob_formula1 @Sergio Perez SP11Carlos, get your taco ass in here.
  2. Meltdown how? Because I am actually saying the truth. Or are you going come here and say this is something new or recent?
  3. Bro, talk about what Hiroki is actually working on without mentioning Xbox. lmfao this shit is like classic 2006 SW bait, except with baby cows.
  4. It is typical corporation mumbo jumbo. They have nothing to work on as of now. Only retarded cows like @FIREPOWERand @Playstation Tabletfall for this classic bait.
  5. This has been one of cow's wildest dreams ever since the original Xbox 1. Meanwhile Microsoft keeps releasing Xbox consoles, and grabbing franchises while cows get raped by Sony, and now all of their exclusives are going PC. TCHBFR
  6. How quick are lgtb sick fucks to automatically insult whoever points their miseries and failures
  7. Somehow I don't think it feels like a Zelda game. It's like they got too excited with the new gameplay mechanics. We will see.
  8. Sony is still doing crossgen games with PS5 full of lesbians and penis :kek:
  9. I know you have experience finding men in the closet after kissing your wife, right?
  10. More feminist propaganda trash? What's next? Alloy has a dick?
  11. I have both consoles. You really can´t write my opinions off because of your retarded fanboyism. I have about 75 hours of Horizon Zero Dawn. I really tried to like it, but the open world was boring, ridden with robot beasts EVERYWHERE, and every head of a small tribe that you could find was a a fucking woman. Any men you met was helpless, weak and desperate for your help. lmfao fuck you Sony.
  12. Nintendo is a very anti-consumer company, even with the little guy. I remember when they were the first ones to go against youtubers monetizing from their games.
  13. Peaked with FM4. FM5 was a sham, riddled with paid DLC. FM6 fixed everything and got it stable. FM7 looked amazing but it fixed issues with racing cards.
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