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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. There aren't even 50 games worth playing on PS4. TCHBFR
  2. It does, when it also released on PS4. It is a crossgen title. Don't even try to argue with me on this one. You will lose.
  3. Anyone that has played knows GT7# is hit or miss with tracks. Some tracks like Tokyo Highway look stunning while others like Laguna Seca look like a PS4 rehash.
  4. You got owned in your own link. Check the tweet. You love to embarrass yourself don't you?
  5. Who cares. Game is typical Japanese trash with shitty dialogue, archaic gameplay and cringey theme.
  6. They should scrap this. Nobody wanted this shit and it looks like an Unreal mod. You can see the lack of passion the dev team had with this shit.
  7. It has its flaws that save it from being great though. My biggest flaw is the "stealth" that doesn't work. Char-less insists on not attracting attention but that is pretty hard to do in open environments and even closed quarters. The robots can spot you from a mile away. This means the game is more of pick your battles wisely. The other flaw is the janky speed movement. Sometimes, P-3 wants to walk and other times he just dashes and runs for no apparent reason. This makes platforming annoying. And my last gripe but not that important is the main character's v
  8. There are some houses below the 300k price range. It can be done in 25 years but do you guys think this whole price bubble will eventually pop or keep going up? This is so stupid.
  9. Uhmm.. I have about 60 hours of Zero Dawn and the story intrigued me but there were so much filler and dumb fetchquests that unnecessarily made the game longer. Also, I can't take the overly obvious feminist agenda with the whole matriarch bullshit and how every man in the game is portrayed as either, weak and stupid or evil and powerful. No in between. And women, holy shit, every way you turn there is a tomboy that is the head of her tribe. I mean if you could have a few here and there, but every fucking where there is a woman trying as much as possible to boast how much o
  10. This thread is a pubic hair close from turning into a political shitfest. @Twinbladedo something
  11. How better does forbidden plays compared to zero Dawn. The world felt dead
  12. I am going to be buying a house soon and luckily the bubble is not that crazy stupid over here.
  13. A new Zelda probably. I got my Switch for Zelda BoTW.
  14. They are hyping more hardware lime ps5pro and psp2 but no games
  15. Even in 2023, game looks stunning and for some reason, I am enjoying it more.
  16. This is what I am looking for. Games specifically tailored for PS5, not PS4 cross gen shit
  17. I am trying to get rid of it for $450.
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