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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. You wouldn't have survived a single day in 2006 SW with this shit bait.
  2. Fucks sake, I need a dog too!
  3. Seems like a spiritual successor to the Bioshock games. Aside from technical issues, its very entertaining.
  4. I know. What I am saying is because Nintendo is too cheap, you can't get Dolby Digital 5.1 but rather PCM and that can only be done with straight HDMI connections and not optical.
  5. Because it is cheaper and Nintendo is an extremely cheap company. Kinda like how the Switch didn't have optical audio input, and even though I can do Dolby Digital passthrough with my tv with the PS5 and get 5.1 or DTS with HDMI, the Switch can't because Nintendo is too cheap to license Dolby. Instead they try to play it as it does "superior" uncompressed PCM. Yeah, as if those tiny carts have enough space to have those uncompressed audio files.
  6. They are not hatchbacks. They are station wagons.
  7. Always thought Cayennes were dumb as Porsche was strictly sport coupes. But the Panamera took it down retarded alley. Get the Audi RS6
  8. It has no games, and the GT7 gimmick is not going to cut it. Also $500 is too much. Try $250
  9. You can do that already in the base game. This expansion brings nothing new. Even the Ford Focus is a reskin
  10. Basically you have two options, Rally Mode and Typical Race, which is like playing the base game. Rally mode, it's only you against time in a spring with checkpoints. Race is well you know, the same thing with opponents. The fundamental problem comes with the fact that it is still using the same arcadey physics engine in Rally Mode. Another huge problem is that environments are recycled from the base game. There is no sense of danger unlike real Rally games. In Rally games like Dirt Rally 2.0 or WRC Generations, each country brings a different stage
  11. It is utter trash. Rally for babies maybe. The calls are all too late, and wrong. The physics engine is fucked, too arcadey for this expansion. I was doing the race with the Audi Group B, and it sounded so compressed that it made me immediately uninstall this trash. This is how an Audi Quattro S1 Group B sounds in real life. THIS is how the S1 sounded in Forza Motorsport 7. Sounded compressed, no turbo woosh, but retained at least 40% of the irl sound. Now THIS is how it sounds in Forza Horizo
  12. Ignoring? Dude who did the killing? Are you conveniently ignoring that detail too?
  13. No, I read it on actual news sites. 10% of rape accusations are false and 100% of those falsely accused are jailed, or their reputations ruined. That's how dangerous false accusations can be. Do you understand now? Or is your brain still stuck on incel,women rules the world, I love trannies loop?
  14. I am getting this Day 1 but holy shit looks like an expansion pack.
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65092102 Media doesn't seem to show that this was a hate crime by a transgender nonetheless. When are we going to start treating these people as sick individuals instead of embracing their mental problems as choice of expression? Six people - three children and three staff - have been killed in a shooting by an ex-student at a school in the US city of Nashville, Tennessee. Three of the victims were pupils aged nine or under at Covenant School. Police named them as Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinne
  16. Actually, it is the other way around. The number of false accusations from women greatly outnumber the real ones. This is why society has changed in so many ways and why the number of single women past their 30s is increasing. Because largely its the women's fault. You cant engage into the old traditional ways with women because of modern society's unrealistic set of rules.
  17. You hit on all the checklist on how to be a typical woman defending balless mangina How surprising.
  18. You go from "who is this guy" to "hardly no one even knows him" while simultaneously dodging the existing issue of women making false accusations without getting any fines or prison time.
  19. It's so obvious how hard you move the goalposts when arguing about this issue, it's downright embarrassing.
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