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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. You hit on all the checklist on how to be a typical woman defending balless mangina How surprising.
  2. You go from "who is this guy" to "hardly no one even knows him" while simultaneously dodging the existing issue of women making false accusations without getting any fines or prison time.
  3. It's so obvious how hard you move the goalposts when arguing about this issue, it's downright embarrassing.
  4. lmfao Bloodborne exclusive. Talk about Souls instead. PS5 has nothing on the level of Nintendo exclusives like Metroid, Zelda and Mario, at least this gen.
  5. Ok. I am going to be most likely buying it by the end of this month. I might spend a bit more and get some midrange for the future. Based on av receiver pricing, better ones get you less distortion and more power without too much heat buildup for bigger speakers. $300 priced av receivers are good for bookshelf speakers.
  6. I am looking at this now. What do you think? https://www.amazon.com/Denon-AVR-S570BT-Channel-Receiver-Built/dp/B0B9QF1L4K/ref=sr_1_4?crid=399V2IMK17EJP&keywords=denon%2Bav%2Breceiver&qid=1679347911&s=electronics&sprefix=denon%2Bav%2B%2Celectronics%2C100&sr=1-4&th=1
  7. Yep. Still rocking this one. It is time to update it.
  8. I have been limited by my trusty 5.1 Yamaha Natural sound receiver from 2005. It doesn't support HDMI only TOSLINK. Any recommendations? Should I get a 7.1 even though I plan to use 5.1 for now?
  9. Because at least with Ultimate, I had the chance to play games that I couldn't play back then, like the Halo MC Collection, Gears 1-3, other Xbox exclusives. Unlike PS5 which literally only enjoyed one game, one.
  10. It has so many good games, remasters, new IPs, B studio quality games, Nintendo exclusives and yeah even though the tech behind this gadget fails miserably compared to the new consoles, NOTHING has been done to literally push the console's power aside from tired and old franchises that follow the same formula. Specifically speaking, the PS5 which has PS4 based games with hi res modes as PS5, but nothing aside from some niche games out there for people to play. Still, nothing has been pushed on the PS5 to showcase it as an actual current gen game, aside from the quick loading f
  11. It reminds me of this Dave Chappelle skit. If you have been watching the internet lately, the most notorious event that has literally exploded all over youtube is how this youtuber Penguinz0 literally destroyed Sneako's reputation (or what little he had) about his fake act, trying to diminish all his trash as joking and overall wrong views about literally everything. Seriously, this is like circa Systemwars 2005 broadcast to the entire world. It's like TJ getting shat on for all the world to see. The internet h
  12. Ok, I wasn´t aware about this. I thought the FIFA License would come with all that. I believe all of this changed along the way. Back then FIFA license would include teams under FIFA I believe. I remember this issue happening around the time Copa Libertadores and Sudamericana came to PES and how EA couldn´t get some teams in their game.
  13. You seem to forget a very important detail. Ultimate team. That was the cash cow for that shitty game. Now that they don't own the license, they are basically fucked.
  14. Oh boy something worse than EA. Konami already moved on with the football franchise.
  15. After work went out looking for it at my nearest store, seeing as it is $60 on the eShop. Couldn't find it, so I walked out with this instead.
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