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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. No, we are not comparing about the visual quality of games but rather the amount of shitty games cows are not playing simply because they are not up to the standards. By the end of the day though, they are skipping on lots of games that Xbox owners are playing for $15 a month. So basically they are shitting on games they are not playing at all, while their consoles are collecting dust.
  2. My solution is very simple, which is to abandon their stupid way of acting against everyone, acting like society owns them something and that is reason enough to put themselves on top of everyone. But when they meet their biggest opposition, they start with the riots and shit. And you still haven't brought your solution.
  3. Yeah you don't have to buy them, or not buying anything at all. Enjoying staring at your ps5, while Xbox owners are playing whatever they want on gamepass. You are like that muscle guy that thinks can beat any imports, but when we go meet his car, its still in his garage with no wheels, sitting on bricks and with the engine missing parts.
  4. I already offered my solution but you don't like what I said. Well then Jerry what are YOU going to do besides bitching and condemning my opinion?
  5. Stick to Square Enix games then, even if they are shit, and for $70. Oh yeah, but you don't have to buy them. Sure, don't buy it and the rest of the crap that they keep releasing.
  6. Well what is your solution then Jerry! Think about the SOLUTION.
  7. Well lmfao, what is your plan then? Keep confronting them? Good thinking Jerry. Meanwhile, you will keep crying about police brutality.
  8. Well five BLACK cops did lose their job. Meanwhile the rest of them are still there, probably with paid suspension. You don't seem to understand the problem. You are basically trying to put logic into a basic human nature. It's basically the victim's will to survive against the cop's will to exert their own authority and hierarchy.
  9. Ok dude, you keep living in your fairy la la land, while you guys keep ignoring the real issue. Cops are NEVER going to change. But, what you could do is start changing yourselves. Meanwhile, more black people will keep getting killed by them. I mean seriously, after doing all that stupid shit, you can't be "fearing for your life thinking that the cops will kill you". The way this situation has been going, if you are a black guy or latino, and running away from them in a chase or resisting arrest, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye.
  10. See this is the problem that you people have when you talk about this issue. You think this is only something that happens the same moment the incident happens, and not have the logical reason to realize that there is something behind this, and there USUALLY IS. It's like what happened in my block once. Lots of my neighbors cars were getting vandalized and stolen, and this happened just when this black guy moved in his family, and his kid had black friends that were usually up to no good, coming back at night and staying at the end, till very late night. One n
  11. Stop behaving like a fucking prick and emotional dweeb. We all know everytime they start doing stupid shit in front of them, cops, it is like playing fire against fire and usually black people are ALWAYS the losers. So it's like they still can't learn for shit how to treat police officers. Both Chappelle and Chris Rock have jokingly spoken about this issue, but there is a LOT of truth behind this. Still, black people can't fucking get the picture.
  12. First of all, we don't know what happened before him being stopped, enough to warrant 5 cops chasing him. Second, the guy was resisting being handcuffed. You can even heard the cops telling him "bro put your hands behind your back" and he still was resisting arrest. After that, he even tried to run away. That is ladies and gentlemen, darwinian behavior at its finest.
  13. Yeah, it is a Square Enix and it still is shit. I don't see your point. It is also an exclusive, so double ownage. Like I said, you cows love to talk shit about gamepass budget games, but again, we pay $15 a month and get to play a plethora of them, unlike you guys who pay $70 for a turd.
  14. How many times have this happened and people don´t seem to learn. We still don't know half of the story with this. Why was he stopped in the middle of the road so violently? Was the car stolen? Was he running away? His death was cop negligence, but the entire department should have been fined, not just those 5 cops
  15. That still doesn't solve the problem of churning shit after shit on the console. Pretty soon it's going to be as bad as the switch
  16. It got ps5d Cows love to talk shit about budget gamepass games but this is equally as bad but it costs $70 TCHBFR
  17. I saw the video and the guy was a fucking idiot. I've been stopped for speeding and I behaved polite and calm with a state trooper and a regular cop with a flashlight at my passenger side. Got my ticket and kept going. What that dude did was stupid, from running away, to resisting arrest to running away from cops.
  18. The victim did EVERY FUCKING THING that he SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE in front of police. I mean, how many fucking times is said among the black and latino community not to be defiant against the police? I mean, bro did everything wrong enough to warrant the police's violent reaction. What could have turned into a regular traffic stop turned into a beating to death because he couldn´t do the most basic things.
  19. Its because is going to be strictly Series game. I am hopping it plays awesome on Series X. GT7 was built from the ground on PS4. On PS5 it looks like an upscaled game.
  20. Visually it rapes GT7, especially the ray tracing and the track detail. But again, Forza 7 already did that. Also, sound wise, it feels more immersive. I am guessing the demo track will be Kyalami to showcase the new track detail, along with a quick show of the dynamic weather. My two concerns are replay camera angles and wheel integration.
  21. What do you think about this though, and this was for kids.
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